I don't know what happened to Chong after year 1 in the WNBA, but she was good enough to beat out the team captain/starting PG for a roster spot on the Wings (forgot her name...the blonde Aussie). I don't know if she got injured or got drafted over, but she had her moments in her first year.
I don't know if KML would have gotten fast enough and good enough on defense even if she lost weight. In the WNBA, she was a one-trick pony. Camp out on the 3-point line and fire away. Except she barely makes any of them. It amazes me that she's still in the league. It amazes me even more that a professional basketball player can continue to show up year after year to training camp being basically obese without having the coach read her the riot act. Shoni Schimmel did that a couple of years in a row and finally got cut, even though she was a really talented player.
Yes. Shoni was one of my favs. Much more talented than KML but she couldn’t ever stay fit. Was so fun when Shoni played in that all-star game. A true baller’s heart haha.
The UCONN name does carry you a long way in the WNBA as mlindsay was saying.
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