Your argument is weak. Brittney made her choices. We all live with the consequences related to our choices every single day.
Hundreds of other more liberal universities would have had her. She CHOSE to attend a PRIVATE, BAPTIST college.
If she was expecting them to roll out the rainbow carpet when she arrived she was only fooling herself.
As a private institution they can maintain policies that align with their views. They are a religious institution. If you are a lesbian and wish to live and open lesbian life you should NOT attend a university like Baylor. The policies at these schools are discussed point blank at Freshman orientation. She knew what she was getting into and proceeded anyway.
I am a gay man and have experienced discrimination during my lifetime. It is never OK. That being said, I do not intentionally put myself in situations where I am likely to be discriminated against. Knowing what I know about myself I would never have chosen a school like Baylor, Pepperdine, Oral Roberts etc.
Those institutions have their place and serve a role in the education system. Just because the belief system they are based on does not agree with your political views does not make them wrong, or bad.