Shepard's waiver was purely b/c it was ND. They suddenly granted a waiver after ND had multiple ACL injuries. Shepard's public statements on the reason for transferring had nothing to do with "hardship", unless your current team sucking is a hardship and saying I want to play for championships, develop for the WNBA,. AEH was not playing b/c she refused to do what was being asked. That gets you spot on the pine b/c you lose the entire team if you play somebody not doing what's being asked, while everybody else does. AEH was told essentially if you want to be on the team you need to do what everybody else does. She was given time in December in 2017, to make her decision and she chose to transfer. Geno was recorded on video saying if I ask you do something over and over and you don't you're not going to be here. I don't want your here. That's clearly what she put in her waiver request. Geno is not going to lose the team by giving special treatment to 1 kid that gets to play and not do what is asked of them, while everyone else does.