North Korea attempts missle test

see this is how I know you are full of crap. You complain that we don't use diplomacy. Then you come on here in random threads and bemoan every single piece of diplomacy we enact.

and Kim Jung Il is full of crap. He is actively supporting Russia directly taking new territory.

as always Zero Hedge provides lots of rhetoric but very few facts. It makes several claims that are just flat out false. This is not the first triple navy war game the three nations have engaged in. This is not the first time those waters have been wargamed in. This is also not the first time in decades that a US nuclear vessel has docked in South Korea, its the first time in decades that a nuclear sub has docked at this specific dock. Our carrier the Nimitz docked at this same port back in April, and he brought all of his friends too. The Kentucky (the submarine that is starting nuclear war) isn't even armed with nukes at this time. Granted this is a bit of inference on my part, but considering the docks its was last based out of in the US aren't the homes of our navy's nukes, I find it very hard to believe is currently has nukes on board. it is a NUCLEAR powered sub, but apparently that is too fine of a point for Zero Hedge readers or Kim Jung Il to understand. Does Zero Hedge do even the most basic of backgrounds? no of course not, they are pushing rhetoric like all the other crap media you hate, you only link these guys because its provides the BS you want to hear. I was able to do more reporting after 5 minutes of google than Zero Hedge was capable of putting together for this article.
I don’t see any reference to this being the first trilateral war games. Or even the first time a nuclear ship has docked. As far as nukes, you are making an assumption that the boat isn’t carrying nukes, with no facts yourself, assuming the USS KY is sailing around the Pacific without armament.
In fact I see no non factual statements in the article.
I don’t see any reference to this being the first trilateral war games. Or even the first time a nuclear ship has docked. As far as nukes, you are making an assumption that the boat isn’t carrying nukes, with no facts yourself, assuming the USS KY is sailing around the Pacific without armament.
In fact I see no non factual statements in the article.
"The Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine made port call at the coastal city of Busan in July, a first which hasn't happened in decades." in my post I did note that it was a first time decades, not the first time ever.

"Owing to the reckless confrontational moves of the US and other hostile forces, the waters off the Korean Peninsula have been reduced into the world’s biggest war hardware concentration spot, the most unstable waters with the danger of a nuclear war," he asserted." maybe I am reading too much into the phrasing, but that wording would indicate to me that Kim Jung Un sees these trilateral war games as a change, which would be a first.

and yes, I pointed out that it was an assumption on my part, but I laid out my reasons. the "journalist" at Zero Hedge did neither. and nuclear capable subs carry plenty of non-nuclear weapons. So the Kentucky not having nukes wouldn't necessitate it being "unarmed". It is a nuclear powered sub, and it is capable of deploying a nuclear weapon. There are plenty of cases of nuclear capable subs NOT having nukes on them, especially when visiting other nations ports, its a HUGE security concern. so its not like my assumption is completely without precedence. But yes, there is nothing currently out there about the armament of an active mission. Its an assumption on both my and the authors part, and I was pointing it out that Zero Hedge was not bringing facts themselves.

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