I Actually work in Dalton and go run laps at the high school during my lunch break because it's in walking distance from my place of work. Soccer is an enormous sport in Whitfield county only because of the high Hispanic population in the Dalton area. Although Dalton wasn't as good last year as they have been in the past, I would venture to say that football is easily still the most popular sport at Dalton high school. Soccer is really big at Northwest and Sourheast because of their competition with Dalton, and also because they're not as good at football.
I definitely remember Stephaun Raines being recruited by and playing for Tennessee, and there was also another really big offensive lineman that played for Dalton high school that we recruited to Tennessee, but he ended up going to Georgia because he was a legacy player and his father had passed away several years before he graduated high school. So in reality, there was no way we were going to Lure this kid to Knoxville.