Not that he needs it but Heupel got his justification

Enlighten those of us who are ignorant

To the contrary.
My username is a tribute to my nephew, Chris (the greatest kid you'd ever want to meet), who was born with a mental disability. Special Ed was his favorite TV character back in the day and he suggested that I use that as my username and as my avatar when I signed on to Volnation back in '08. We spent a lot of time together back in the day watching Vol sports and laughing at the antics of his favorite TV character. I miss the good times we had together. I don't see him as much now because we live in different states. If you want call up Chris and tell him his choice was an insult, I'll give you his phone number.
If you knew reason behind his handle, you wouldnt be so snarky....
This is the state of the world.
I reprimanded someone - who that I’ve since had to block- about the same issue.

You don’t make fun of people with mental disabilities, or special needs, on the spectrum etc. Those are people that can’t react to the world the same us.

Yet people on this site said I was being too sensitive. This isn’t “woke” BS. How can anyone deliberately make fun of a person that can never reason to make the same decisions as everyone else?

This isn’t a male arguing that he’s really a woman “on the inside “. We’re talking about people that can’t even perceive those notions!! Yet, people want to make fun of them.??

People and their lack of empathy is why evil exists. Not because of some big bad fallen Angel. Humans don’t need that…
This is the state of the world.
I reprimanded someone - who that I’ve since had to block- about the same issue.

You don’t make fun of people with mental disabilities, or special needs, on the spectrum etc. Those are people that can’t react to the world the same us.

Yet people on this site said I was being too sensitive. This isn’t “woke” BS. How can anyone deliberately make fun of a person that can never reason to make the same decisions as everyone else?

This isn’t a male arguing that he’s really a woman “on the inside “. We’re talking about people that can’t even perceive those notions!! Yet, people want to make fun of them.??

People and their lack of empathy is why evil exists. Not because of some big bad fallen Angel. Humans don’t need that…

Some people are asses or say enough stupid things to deserve a snarky retort. SpecialEd isnt one of those posters so thats why I said something...
Thank you for your support.
It's been quite a while since my original explanation and things have changed a bit since then. Chris is now 50 years old, but still child-like in some ways and still a great "kid".
Being his uncle, I'm much older than Chris and pleased to say that he calls me his favorite uncle. And Special Ed is still his favorite TV character.
We live close to each other now and I'm retired, so I'm able to spend time with him on a regular basis. Since he's unable to get a driver's license due to poor reading skills, he enjoys going on long rides with me and talking about what kind of vehicle he's going to buy someday "when he gets his license". That's not going to happen, but I don't say that to him. He's always been a big Vol fan, like me, so we watch the games now on my big-screen HDTV. I don't want to go into too much detail now without his permission. He's "special needs" and lives with his younger brother who's also handicapped (physically). They're both on government assistance, so they don't have much money to spend on anything other than housing and other necessities. So, I help to support both of them financially and in other ways when I can. In any case, I don't take any criticism aimed at me seriously. I realize that many other posters don't know all the facts, so they can't possibly take any of the unknown aspects into consideration when they shoot from the hip.
That's all for now. Go Vols!
Thank you for your support.
It's been quite a while since my original explanation and things have changed a bit since then. Chris is now 50 years old, but still child-like in some ways and still a great "kid".
Being his uncle, I'm much older than Chris and pleased to say that he calls me his favorite uncle. And Special Ed is still his favorite TV character.
We live close to each other now and I'm retired, so I'm able to spend time with him on a regular basis. Since he's unable to get a driver's license due to poor reading skills, he enjoys going on long rides with me and talking about what kind of vehicle he's going to buy someday "when he gets his license". That's not going to happen, but I don't say that to him. He's always been a big Vol fan, like me, so we watch the games now on my big-screen HDTV. I don't want to go into too much detail now without his permission. He's "special needs" and lives with his younger brother who's also handicapped (physically). They're both on government assistance, so they don't have much money to spend on anything other than housing and other necessities. So, I help to support both of them financially and in other ways when I can. In any case, I don't take any criticism aimed at me seriously. I realize that many other posters don't know all the facts, so they can't possibly take any of the unknown aspects into consideration when they shoot from the hip.
That's all for now. Go Vols!
We don't know why God chose to create some people we refer to as special. Won't know until we get to ask him someday. I believe you and your nephews are all special - you are a different kind of special for what you do for them. Folks I've known that are caregivers for these people feel very blessed to have them. They tell me it's a special kind of happiness those people give back. And they wouldn't have it any other way. I hope the Big Guy continues to bless you and you nephews.
This is the state of the world.
I reprimanded someone - who that I’ve since had to block- about the same issue.

You don’t make fun of people with mental disabilities, or special needs, on the spectrum etc. Those are people that can’t react to the world the same us.

Yet people on this site said I was being too sensitive. This isn’t “woke” BS. How can anyone deliberately make fun of a person that can never reason to make the same decisions as everyone else?

This isn’t a male arguing that he’s really a woman “on the inside “. We’re talking about people that can’t even perceive those notions!! Yet, people want to make fun of them.??

People and their lack of empathy is why evil exists. Not because of some big bad fallen Angel. Humans don’t need that…
And how would anyone know people’s story based on a handle. Grading people and calling people evil for dealing with limited data is absolutely woke and ignorant on your part. And who are you to judge anyone. Get off your high horse
Your handle makes sense

And how would anyone know people’s story based on a handle. Grading people and calling people evil for dealing with limited data is absolutely woke and ignorant on your part. And who are you to judge anyone. Get off your high horse
I guess becoming self aware is difficult for some folks. Realizing and admitting an overreach can be cathartic.
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Thank you for your support.
It's been quite a while since my original explanation and things have changed a bit since then. Chris is now 50 years old, but still child-like in some ways and still a great "kid".
Being his uncle, I'm much older than Chris and pleased to say that he calls me his favorite uncle. And Special Ed is still his favorite TV character.
We live close to each other now and I'm retired, so I'm able to spend time with him on a regular basis. Since he's unable to get a driver's license due to poor reading skills, he enjoys going on long rides with me and talking about what kind of vehicle he's going to buy someday "when he gets his license". That's not going to happen, but I don't say that to him. He's always been a big Vol fan, like me, so we watch the games now on my big-screen HDTV. I don't want to go into too much detail now without his permission. He's "special needs" and lives with his younger brother who's also handicapped (physically). They're both on government assistance, so they don't have much money to spend on anything other than housing and other necessities. So, I help to support both of them financially and in other ways when I can. In any case, I don't take any criticism aimed at me seriously. I realize that many other posters don't know all the facts, so they can't possibly take any of the unknown aspects into consideration when they shoot from the hip.
That's all for now. Go Vols!
Thanks for telling your story.

At VolNation, I've engaged in a fair amount of snarkasm myself (That was special, Ed!) but never (I hope) intended to demean or insult anyone. Apology offered, just in case; along with prayers for your nephews.

Despite the occasional NegaVol posts, this is a fun place! Let's keep it that way.
Thank you for your support.
It's been quite a while since my original explanation and things have changed a bit since then. Chris is now 50 years old, but still child-like in some ways and still a great "kid".
Being his uncle, I'm much older than Chris and pleased to say that he calls me his favorite uncle. And Special Ed is still his favorite TV character.
We live close to each other now and I'm retired, so I'm able to spend time with him on a regular basis. Since he's unable to get a driver's license due to poor reading skills, he enjoys going on long rides with me and talking about what kind of vehicle he's going to buy someday "when he gets his license". That's not going to happen, but I don't say that to him. He's always been a big Vol fan, like me, so we watch the games now on my big-screen HDTV. I don't want to go into too much detail now without his permission. He's "special needs" and lives with his younger brother who's also handicapped (physically). They're both on government assistance, so they don't have much money to spend on anything other than housing and other necessities. So, I help to support both of them financially and in other ways when I can. In any case, I don't take any criticism aimed at me seriously. I realize that many other posters don't know all the facts, so they can't possibly take any of the unknown aspects into consideration when they shoot from the hip.
That's all for now. Go Vols!
God Bless you, Sir !!!

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