I asked for the NCAA's written statement that Alabama is the "biggest cheater in NCAA history".
Try again.
Nick Saban dismisses free car accusation from Pat White
"I didn't even know it happened so I can't comment on it," Saban said. "Is that the best thing we can talk about? Kiss my ass."
Nice deflection by Saban. That's about as classy as you can get. Almost as classy as you hanging out on a rival site every day and force feeding us your bias opinions of a cheater team that we hate. If you don't like what hated rivals have to say about your cheater team, then don't read what rival fans have to say. I don't think I've ever seen s comment about Alabama where you didn't respond in defense of Alabama and or make snide remarks about Tennessee. I'm fairly certain if a Tennessee fan went over to an Alabama site as often as you come here and took jabs at the crimson cheaters, they'd be shooed away within the first minute. If I wanted to hear someone praising Alabama and insulting the Vols, I'd go to an Alabama forum. But, I dont' want to hear what trash has to say, so I don't go to Alabama forums.
"For all the junk that Bama and Auburn could fairly have rubbed in their faces, I'm not sure that "academic misconduct" is the particular glass house that Tennessee fans want to be throwing rocks from." said bamawriter.
See what I mean? That was your second response to this thread and you show up immediately to defend Alabama, while taking jabs at Tennessee. That's about the only time you show up. To defend Bama and insult the Vols. Because, bamawriter forbid, anyone speak the unholy name of Allibubba without you coming around to defend your lord and savior, a sacred elephant. And by "sacred", I mean "stupid".
Other than taking a jab at Montei Teo in your first comment, I don't think you've responded to a single comment in this thread that didn't pertain to Alabama or bashing Tennessee. You're pathetic and I assure you, that crap wouldn't fly for a single second with Bama fans on an Alabama forum. I guarantee it would set you off if you had to endure just one Vol fan on a Bama site spewing half the crap you spew here, seeing as you go out of your way to get upset by Tennessee fans commenting on Alabama on a Tennessee site. I've come to the conclusion that you only come here to defend Alabama while insulting Tennessee in the process.
With that being said, eat a turd, ya butt licker. Lucky for you, the love of your life Nick Saban has publicly stated he wants people to "kiss his ass". I guess he's into that sort of thing, I know you are. So, there you have it... the opportunity to lick butt and eat a turd of 'the great' Dick Saban is right there. To most people, it would taste like crap(literally), but I bet for you, it would taste like crimson (dingle)berries. We all know how you love drinking that crimson (dingle)berry kool-aid. While that may sound good to you, I'll stick to drinking my
orange kool-aid without the crap.