I still have some parts of this thread to read, but this post strikes me.
I am a lender, and I can promise you, it makes NO, I repeat, ZERO sense to make loans where I'll "put up" with one person paying it right while everyone else goes bankrupt. Saying that leads me to believe that you have NO idea how much money we, as the lender, lose when someone files a 7 and walks away from a house.
Let's say we loan 80k on a 100k home. 80% LTV, a very safe number. If Joe Blow walks away from his 80k loan, 9 times out of 10, we are going to get, at best, 60k out of that home. That's a direct $20k loss, and that doesn't include any loss of projected interest earnings that we have projected and slapped on the books already.
There are many reasons for the market problems, but to say lenders use ARMs to prey on uneducated people is just an ignorant statement. I can assure you, telling someone to get out of their home not knowing where their children will sleep once they do is a terribly hard thing to do, and not something ANY lender uses ANY product to try and do.