These innocent people were killed because they were peacefully trying to get people to convert Christianity. And we get called racist if we peacefully protest the building of Mosques here.
Actually a spokesman for the group said that although the members were Christian, they weren't trying to convert muslims, they were all trained professional health care providers who were adressing the needs of Afghan citizens.
During the Clinton administration we had muslim mujhadeen soldiers as allies in the Balkans and for that two of the perpetrators of 9/11 were veterans of that conflict who were supposedly allied with the USA and NATO.
Don't you get it, yet?
1) The racists in the Tea Party do not reflect the thoughts or ideals of the Tea Party or its members, but
2) The actions of the terrorists in the Muslim community do reflect Islam and the thoughts and ideals of all members of the faith.
1. Racists in the Tea Party are fig newtons of your weak far-fetched imgagination.
2. Terrerists in the muslim community do reflect fundamental mainstream islam and draw their rhetoric from islamic religious texts.
The moderate muslims you speak of are also a fig newton of your weak far-fetched imagination, Tayyip Erdogan the Prime Minister of Turkey, described by obambi as a 'close personal friend, has said; "'moderate islam' is an ugly term and offensive to all muslims, there is no moderate or immoderate islam, islam is islam."
Grap a freaking clue for one in your pathetic life.
If those people acted like the door-to-door Christian converters here in the US, I probably would have shot them too.
Simply brilliant, when there is no offense for the errors of islam, attack Christianity.
I am ever so impressed with your idiotic mindset.
You are irrefutable proof of a couple of the laws of physics.
Scum will always float to the top of the pool and mediocrity will always sink to the bottom.