Ny ordered to reinstate fired workers

Lol. FWIW I am fine with this ruling because it's going after a government entity. I wouldnt want it applied to private companies.
If it was a condition prior to employment I don’t see an issue either. If they suddenly made it a condition of employment after people had been there a while, like say off probationary period, then the company should be slapped I think
Lol. FWIW I am fine with this ruling because it's going after a government entity. I wouldnt want it applied to private companies.

Why can't the government have health mandates for employees? I'm not understanding the basis?
Why can't the government have health mandates for employees? I'm not understanding the basis?
They can. But the issue was the way NY went about it and how they were dealing with exceptions. They cant argue to be equal opprotunity employers, which includes medical conditions, and then dump people who dont comply with a politically based medical opinion.

It's not like the non vaxxers COULDNT work. The gov just didnt want them to work because they saw it as a political issue. And the facts have shown out it wasnt a medically relevant requirement for them to fall back on. The gov made a decision, it was the wrong one, and they should face the consquences.
If it was a condition prior to employment I don’t see an issue either. If they suddenly made it a condition of employment after people had been there a while, like say off probationary period, then the company should be slapped I think

Terms of employment can be changed at anytime unless there is a contract/collective bargaining agreement in place.

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