NY Times: Democrats Flip to Republican in ‘Political Upheaval’ of Border Towns


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

A couple of years after former President Trump made significant gains in often Hispanic-majority Democrat counties along the United States-Mexico border in Texas, a wave of Democrats in one particular community are switching parties to join the GOP.

In Terrell County, Texas, the New York Times reports that multiple elected officials are opting to run — for the first time — as Republicans rather than as Democrats in a “quiet political upheaval” across U.S. border towns, fueled mostly by rising crime and constant waves of illegal immigration.

The Times reports:
First, the Democratic county judge said she would seek another term — as a Republican. Then the county clerk and the treasurer decided that they too would abandon the Democratic Party, which has long held sway in local elections, and run this year as Republicans. [Emphasis added]

A county justice of the peace felt the urge to switch parties as well, but she did not want to disappoint her parents, who raised her as a Democrat. [Emphasis added]

The transformation of local politics in Terrell County — a working-class border community of fewer than 1,000 people — provides an ominous signal for Texas Democrats: Conservative Hispanics are not only realigning in presidential elections, but also in contests much closer to home. [Emphasis added]​
The Times admits that the county’s elected officials’ shift to the GOP can be traced to President Joe Biden’s ongoing border crisis where more than two million illegal aliens arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border last year, and more than 2.1 million are expected to arrive this year.

NYT: Democrats Flip to Republican in 'Political Upheaval' of Border Towns

A couple of years after former President Trump made significant gains in often Hispanic-majority Democrat counties along the United States-Mexico border in Texas, a wave of Democrats in one particular community are switching parties to join the GOP.

In Terrell County, Texas, the New York Times reports that multiple elected officials are opting to run — for the first time — as Republicans rather than as Democrats in a “quiet political upheaval” across U.S. border towns, fueled mostly by rising crime and constant waves of illegal immigration.

The Times reports:
First, the Democratic county judge said she would seek another term — as a Republican. Then the county clerk and the treasurer decided that they too would abandon the Democratic Party, which has long held sway in local elections, and run this year as Republicans. [Emphasis added]

A county justice of the peace felt the urge to switch parties as well, but she did not want to disappoint her parents, who raised her as a Democrat. [Emphasis added]

The transformation of local politics in Terrell County — a working-class border community of fewer than 1,000 people — provides an ominous signal for Texas Democrats: Conservative Hispanics are not only realigning in presidential elections, but also in contests much closer to home. [Emphasis added]​
The Times admits that the county’s elected officials’ shift to the GOP can be traced to President Joe Biden’s ongoing border crisis where more than two million illegal aliens arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border last year, and more than 2.1 million are expected to arrive this year.

NYT: Democrats Flip to Republican in 'Political Upheaval' of Border Towns

Maybe they’re finally waking up and realizing the leftist commies are turning this country into the. crap hole they came from but alas it’s already too late.
That's what I'm saying. If all the votes are counted and there are no shenanigans, then it should be a rout.

But that is precisely the problem, as we discovered in 2020. Still, it is much harder to cheat accross congressional districts and without the covid lockdown and wholesale mail-in ballot fraud, it will be much much harder for dems to cheat enough in big cities to overcome the true numbers.
But that is precisely the problem, as we discovered in 2020. Still, it is much harder to cheat accross congressional districts and without the covid lockdown and wholesale mail-in ballot fraud, it will be much much harder for dems to cheat enough in big cities to overcome the true numbers.
Yeah it’s impossible to completely rig this entire election across thousand of thousands of districts. But in a presidential election that’s 50/50 in our hyper polarized country. someone would just need a few hundred thousand in Atlanta, Philly, Milwaukee, and Detroit…
But that is precisely the problem, as we discovered in 2020. Still, it is much harder to cheat accross congressional districts and without the covid lockdown and wholesale mail-in ballot fraud, it will be much much harder for dems to cheat enough in big cities to overcome the true numbers.
The beauty and result of the “Covid lockdown” during a presidential election year.
Those two groups won't matter the way democrats are failing across the board.
The left is at the mercy of the progressives using the Democratic Party for votes. The old guard left is fading and the right has a chance to retain power for years to come.
Since WWII, the party of the incumbent president loses on average 26 seats in the house and 4 seats in the senate. This is going to be a slaughter, and it will have taken 2 years to get there, but GOP congress and D POTUS > Republican POTUS and any congress.
Yeah it’s impossible to completely rig this entire election across thousand of thousands of districts. But in a presidential election that’s 50/50 in our hyper polarized country. someone would just need a few hundred thousand in Atlanta, Philly, Milwaukee, and Detroit…

You don't have to rig it across thousands and thousands of districts to win the house and senate...just like you say with POTUS, you only would need to rig some key districts in swing races.
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Since WWII, the party of the incumbent president loses on average 26 seats in the house and 4 seats in the senate. This is going to be a slaughter, and it will have taken 2 years to get there, but GOP congress and D POTUS > Republican POTUS and any congress.

Yeah, we've done so well under democratic presidents, especially this last transition from relative strength in the world to hyperinflation, border chaos, energy independence to financing Putin by importing oil and now a war in Europe. Let me know if I missed any improvements in our way of life.
Yeah, we've done so well under democratic presidents, especially this last transition from relative strength in the world to hyperinflation, border chaos, energy independence to financing Putin by importing oil and now a war in Europe. Let me know if I missed any improvements in our way of life.

Let me be clear, D POTUS + R congress sucks, it just sucks the least because R congress kinda sticks to small government values if they are opposing a D POTUS.
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Yeah, we've done so well under democratic presidents, especially this last transition from relative strength in the world to hyperinflation, border chaos, energy independence to financing Putin by importing oil and now a war in Europe. Let me know if I missed any improvements in our way of life.
The last one to act like a fiscal conservative was a dem
Clinton pretended once he had an opposition Congress. Closer than any repub in my lifetime
He had little choice after the tsunami of 1994. After declaring his election came with a "mandate" to push through liberal policies and attempting to force through a pretty aggressive government takeover of health care, he then pivoted to declare the "era of big government" over in his SOTU speech in 1995. Still... he fought the GOP attempts to bring the budget in line and cut federal departments/waste. He with the help of the media successfully blamed the GOP for "closing down the government" when they had passed budgets that he refused to sign.

It was only AFTER his arm was twisted into signing a Cap gains cut that we had the two years of surplus.
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You don't have to rig it across thousands and thousands of districts to win the house and senate...just like you say with POTUS, you only would need to rig some key districts in swing races.
That would just make the Republican lead closer. The red wave will be way too large to overcome. Looking at the 15 point red swing in Virginia and the fact that republicans lead generic congressional polling for the first time ever. They didn’t even lead in the 1994 and 2010 bloodbaths.

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