NY Times: Democrats Flip to Republican in ‘Political Upheaval’ of Border Towns

That would just make the Republican lead closer. The red wave will be way too large to overcome. Looking at the 15 point red swing in Virginia and the fact that republicans lead generic congressional polling for the first time ever. They didn’t even lead in the 1994 and 2010 bloodbaths.

Whatever fits the narrative.
Yeah, we've done so well under democratic presidents, especially this last transition from relative strength in the world to hyperinflation, border chaos, energy independence to financing Putin by importing oil and now a war in Europe. Let me know if I missed any improvements in our way of life.
No mean tweets and peeing on Russian hookers though.
Its gonna come down to white women and black women voters in the midterms. If the numbers play out the way I'm thinking and the votes are all counted, it should be a GOP cakewalk.

We shall see...

I agree but even when they get in they do nothing. They waste their opportunity and cat fight and all that happens is they get knocked out and the dems get back in and push even crazier crap through.
I agree but even when they get in they do nothing. They waste their opportunity and cat fight and all that happens is they get knocked out and the dems get back in and push even crazier crap through.
You're correct.
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I saw where Henry Cuellar just barely beat the openly socialist Cisneros in the democrat primary for that House seat. Just a matter of time before either the democrat party is an openly socialist party or enough of their current constituents leave and the DSA actually becomes a major third party.
But you believe that Putin and Assad have real voter majorities. You are dumb.
The party Putin belongs to actually controls like two thirds or more of the government in Russia.

As for Asssd. Whether you like him or not he did protect Muslims, Christians, Druze, and other religious and ethnic groups in Syria over the years. He was also fighting ISIS and other terrorist groups. Assad himself is also Alawite and for whatever reason there are some people who don't like him simply because of his religion.
The left is at the mercy of the progressives using the Democratic Party for votes. The old guard left is fading and the right has a chance to retain power for years to come.
Only if the right actually has the courage to remain the right. If they go wobbly as is their usual habit, they will turn sure victory into ignoble failure yet again
The party Putin belongs to actually controls like two thirds or more of the government in Russia.

As for Asssd. Whether you like him or not he did protect Muslims, Christians, Druze, and other religious and ethnic groups in Syria over the years. He was also fighting ISIS and other terrorist groups. Assad himself is also Alawite and for whatever reason there are some people who don't like him simply because of his religion.
You ask the average American why we went to Syria or what they have against Assad and they wouldn't be able to tell you. What we did in Syria is one of the most ridiculous war crimes of the last 30 years. Drawing in Russia, Iran, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf States that likely has the GDP of Nebraska...

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