Oakland vs Blackman ESPN2

Well there's one good thing about Jennings if he gets the chance to play QB. Its going to be nice to finally have a QB who can move around and make something happen on busted plays.
Nice run by Jennings. He ran downhill. Very impressed by him beside his fumble

A lot of the technique and nuances of the game get cleaned up in college. Doesn't look like Blackman has the Oline to let JJ stay in the pocket and throw. I'm not a fan of this offense.
Should've hung onto the ball, but the OL let 2 dudes run by that play pretty much untouched. Tough spot as a QB

In that case he just needs to learn to go down. Live to play another down.

Interested to hear what Luggs has to say about JJ at the half...
Bad missed holding call on the edge there. If that play goes to the other sideline, coaches raise hell and it's called.

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