Obama: Is he qualified to be POTUS?

Is Obama qualified to be POTUS?

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Could and should have been the end of the War. Had Bragg pressed on he'd have destroyed Rosecran's army in Chattanooga, but, outnumbered and outsupplied, he decides to lay seige. His 3 best battlefield commanders are slighted due to the CSA President's infatuation with Bragg, Longstreet goes back (with his ANVa Corps) to Virginia, Forrest is given a loose leash, and Cleburne is stymied in the promotion process.

It was understood as i reason, that Longstreet's Corps wsas 'on loan', but the service of Forrest as a Cavalryman and Cleburne as a Corps Commander would have gone a long way of keeping Sherman off of Atlanta until after the election, with them involved.

Or, Bragg could have attacked a routed Army from the surrounding heights and finished it off...
Bragg's Reservation on Missionary Ridge was the local 'Lover's Lane" when I was a teen.

Fought more than a few bra wars in the back seat there. :)
Kinda makes you wonder if the Bragg/Davis switch hitting rumors were true.


Don't think i'd go to that point...but, the handling of the Western Theatre is absurd, makes you wonder. Sticking up for an old friend is good, within reason. If Johnston had taken command after Murfreesboro, as he should have, he would have moved to bait Rosecrans into a battle more decisive than Chickamauga at lest cost.

Playing coulda beens, he would have smashed Rosecrans before Chickamauga occured, and would have had 2 of Lee's 3 Elite divisions under Hood and McClaws at his disposal to cut off and destroy Rosecrans before turning on and likely defeating Grant in N Alabama. Atlanta is in CS hands on election day, Gettysburg and Vicksburg are forgotten, and Lee and Johnston have time to regroup and plan the next step. Game over.
He's 35+, natural born (despite gs's insane ramblings), been here 14 years, and born rich. So yes, he is.
He's 35+, natural born (despite gs's insane ramblings), been here 14 years, and born rich. So yes, he is.

what does being born rich have to do with anything? It's certainly not a qualification. Clinton wasn't born rich, nor was Reagan, Carter, Lincoln, etc.

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