I think I'm going to have to start eating a lot of shrimp sauteed in garlic sauce, that way, when some idiot Obama supporter gets in my face, I can burn his or her eyebrows off with a well timed belch of shrimpy, garlicky rudeness.
I think I'm going to have to start eating a lot of shrimp sauteed in garlic sauce, that way, when some idiot Obama supporter gets in my face, I can burn his or her eyebrows off with a well timed belch of shrimpy, garlicky rudeness.
This reminds me of when the DNC and RNC was going on. When the DNC was going on you didn't hear about riots in the street and the town getting destroyed and cops pepper-spraying and arresting dozens of Republicans. However, that was exactly the scene by Democrats when the RNC was going on: