What a nice, consensus-building discussion here on Volnation. All sparked by Senator Obama. And perhaps a little THC.
I would guess it's pretty close to the same all over the country. It just takes a candidate with cajones to propose it. Makes me think a little differently about Mr Obama (still not voting for his since his name is too close to Bama)
I would guess it's pretty close to the same all over the country. It just takes a candidate with cajones to propose it. Makes me think a little differently about Mr Obama (still not voting for his since his name is too close to Bama)
Well then it is working then isn't it. Makes me laugh a little though. Is it really that difficult to avoid getting arrested for pot these days? So difficult that it is preferential that the goverment get involved in it and tax your consumption of it.
Not me. He raised his hand in the video saying he wasn't for it when he said he was in '04. Then one of his reps came out and said he was for it after the fact.
Why not tax the heck out of it? You could probably save SS with the revenue it would bring in. Also, what better way to stimulate the economy.
I sense sarcasm here. Pro-pot people are probably better off with things the way they are. As said earlier, there would be limitations. Like alcohol, it is not going to be legal to drive down the road using it and drive home from a place after having used it. So if you can avoid being arrested while at home using it right now, you are about in the same boat as you would be after it was decriminalized. Also, from the CA court ruling the other day, it was upheld that a company could fire someone that tested positive for it even though it was prescribed by a doctor, I believe. So it is just a non-issue as I stated earlier, something to get a few votes in his pocket.
Not all the idiots know how to do it well though , someone with that knowledge could really put a hurt on the taxed stores . what is it 3 acres of tobbaco your allowed to grow on your property now ! WOW ! 3 acres of weed would net a killing , but then you might create a new problem with people shooting someone for raiding their 3 acres !Been through that before. Much easier to grow and conceal pot than liquor. I know a lot, lot, lot of local yocal pot farmers...or at least I did growing up. I knew very few local distillers. Obviously since liquor is legal that cuts into the story some. But I think pot is so much easier to grow than liquor is to make. I knew too many idiots that could do it.