I don't think they need a tax break to create jobs. I think they need one because I don't know where someone thinks the government has the right to steal such large sums from them.
Where are all the jobs? If you are under 40 and live in this country you have not seen an economy that you should not have been able to make it in. If you did not make it, it is because you are too damn lazy and/or stupid to do so.
Glad you made it on your own. Why are you so consumed with making sure the rich pay a percentage you don't dare come close to paying. What principles do you live by?
I am simply saying that giving them more money doesn't necessarily create more economic prosperity. I am getting that is the general feel on these boards. If you are not in that camp, I apologize.
I don't want to pay any taxes, just like I am sure the rich don't want to pay any of it. But it is an ugly reality. Spending is the issue, but if we are going to spend, we need to tax. I point to the results of the last 8 years as evidence it doesn't work.
rjd, do you think raiseing taxes on ANYONE in this economy is the right thing to do?
I'm an idealist. I think we should have let the banks fail and let the recession run its course. Government meddling of any kind just makes the economic recovery process longer.
I'm an idealist. I think we should have let the banks fail and let the recession run its course. Government meddling of any kind just makes the economic recovery process longer.
I don't like raising taxes on anybody, under any economy. That being said, if we are going to bail out banks and spend on infrastructure projects, it is fiscally irresponsible not to tax.
Right, the good ole give the top 1% tax breaks so they can create jobs. That would be great if they were in fact creating those jobs. So where are all the jobs? If they're not creating those jobs, it's time to tax the hell out of them.at the rate Obama is going, it'll take another 8-24 years to undo the damage he's planning to cause.
does the left not realize that raising taxes on people who actually employ other people is stupid?
if you want to raise taxes on the rich, leave their income alone, raise taxes on their trust funds and/or base it on their net worth. that way that fat bastard Ted Kennedy can actually feel some of the pain he's been causing real taxpayers.
I am responding to the ridiculous notion that the wealthy 1% deserve a tax break because they create jobs. I just want to know, after the tax breaks of the last 8 years, where all these jobs are.
I don't want anything from anybody. I worked two jobs all through college, got a good job, and went and got my masters. I am self-made and I did it all my own. I have created the life myself that I enjoy and I don't need a thing from anybody.
You guys are the one's on here saying the wealthiest need a break to create something for the rest of us.
Right, the good ole give the top 1% tax breaks so they can create jobs. That would be great if they were in fact creating those jobs. So where are all the jobs? If they're not creating those jobs, it's time to tax the hell out of them.
Right, the good ole give the top 1% tax breaks so they can create jobs. That would be great if they were in fact creating those jobs. So where are all the jobs? If they're not creating those jobs, it's time to tax the hell out of them.
It has nothing to do with me taking care of myself and growing up, I'm fine, trust me. It's about the whole country suffering because of greed and corruption. I hope you still have a home to head for when this all said and done. If not, well, I won't feel sorry for you.The attitude that beceause someone else has more than me they should have to pay their way plus much more is stupid. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself.
Obama and big government will fix it.:whistling:Where would you be if the business owners had not offered these jobs? Liberals always seem to forget that the reason people start businesses and create jobs is to make money. If these people are to be taxed at a level that makes business too much risk for the returns expected, then they will not create these jobs.
Won't make a difference to me, they don't foot the bill for me and I'm certainly not working for any of them. But honestly, where are they going to go?then what? what happens when these people get tired of footing the bill for people like you and leave the country and take their money and their jobs with them?
It has nothing to do with me taking care of myself and growing up, I'm fine, trust me. It's about the whole country suffering because of greed and corruption. I hope you still have a home to head for when this all said and done. If not, well, I won't feel sorry for you.
It has nothing to do with me taking care of myself and growing up, I'm fine, trust me. It's about the whole country suffering because of greed and corruption. I hope you still have a home to head for when this all said and done. If not, well, I won't feel sorry for you.
It has nothing to do with me taking care of myself and growing up, I'm fine, trust me. It's about the whole country suffering because of greed and corruption. I hope you still have a home to head for when this all said and done. If not, well, I won't feel sorry for you.
As I said, spending is the issue. And I still don't think tax breaks for the wealthy create more jobs.
The argument that the wealthy pay a disproportionate amount when compared to everybody else is the far better position, IMO.