Obama was mandatory paid sick leave and family leave

It's called compassion...but of course that lacks in this society.
It has nothing to do with compassion. Does your definition of compassion include shorting shareholders, many of whom depend upon their capital gains earnings for retirement purposes and/or higher education for their children?

If you want charity, turn to your church. Government and for-profit businesses are not charities.
It has nothing to do with compassion. Does your definition of compassion include shorting shareholders, many of whom depend upon their capital gains earnings for retirement purposes and/or higher education for their children?

If you want charity, turn to your church. Government and for-profit businesses are not charities.

That's hard for some to figure out.
It's called compassion...but of course that lacks in this society.
This compassion we lack has generated enormous swaths of Americans sucking the teat of the compassionate.

Your confusing compassion with gov't mandated free money for the "less fortunate" shouldn't surprise me, but the blatancy with which you defend the practice simply astounds me. You're freaking arguing that leeching should be met with open arms.
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As usual, you have no idea as to what you are talking about. You can't just say, "I am taking leave", and get it. Even right now, there has to be official documentation from the physician of record to take personal or family leave. There will be additional red tape associated with this type of leave.

This is just another item for you right wingers to pick at and spew fear, despite the facts of the matter.

i deal with leave (medical and other type) everyday in my job. i see how much it is abused now. it will be even worse when they start paying people. you truly need to stop drinking the flavor-aid and pull your head out of your azz..

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