Obama's Birth Certificate is "Definitely Fraudulent"

Sheriff Joe claims they talked to the woman whose signature is supposedly on the document and that she explained the penciled in codes on the original. The hand written nines indicate the field was left blank but the data is now filled in. Oops.
Wait a minute here. Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse are using taxpayer money to fund their investigation? Anyone else see anything wrong with that?
Wait a minute here. Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse are using taxpayer money to fund their investigation? Anyone else see anything wrong with that?

It is, but both sides use tax payer dollars to fund their respective witch hunts against the other. So no surprise.
One would think Sheriff Joe could put those resources to much better use... Like, I dunno, arresting brown people.

in AZ? He'd need more cops. He'd rather spend money on his cops going all the way in their sex sting operations (ala South Park). Gotta make sure those hookers really mean it I guess
Wait a minute here. Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse are using taxpayer money to fund their investigation? Anyone else see anything wrong with that?

Nah, this was a little trip conducting serious business for the sheriff department.

No beach, no sun, simply buried in paperwork, no playing around.
The hookers hired by the posse conducted their business in a very serious way. They tried their best to provide the posse with the best service on the islands.
People are so scared of Sheriff Joe here. I'm not gonna lie, I agree with some of his tactics. Mandatory 72-hours in tent city jails for a DUI. They make you wear a pink jump suit, etc. When strangers find out we're new here, they will seriously tell us to be careful drinking and driving, LOL.
People are so scared of Sheriff Joe here. I'm not gonna lie, I agree with some of his tactics. Mandatory 72-hours in tent city jails for a DUI. They make you wear a pink jump suit, etc. When strangers find out we're new here, they will seriously tell us to be careful drinking and driving, LOL.

you'll find out he does some good things but every once in a while goes on his crusade and you wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
you'll find out he does some good things but every once in a while goes on his crusade and you wonder what the hell is wrong with him.

There's just this obsession in some to prove conspiracy at the highest levels, even if they have to make it up or ignore inconvenient facts. Disturbing.
Miloh with his usual terrible post. Today would not be a good day without it.


As would any day.

Quick Summary of the Sheriff Joe 2.0 National Security Press Conference ~ @PolitiJim's Rants for Reasonable People |

The summary:

Obama could not have been born at the Kapiolani hospital due to the The “Nordyke Twin” birth certificate numbering curiosity. However, the form itself indicates that the birth was recorded from outside of Hawaii.

A former clerk whose signature is on Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate verified that there was zero chance the electronic documented presented by White House was the original. Many fields were filled in AFTER the original birth certificate had been certified

The State of Hawaii has laws and Jerome Corsi uncovered correspondence confirming that foreign nationals could obtain birth certificates WITHOUT BEING BORN IN HAWAII. Worse, ANY ADULT – not even one related to the child – could record a “birth” simply by presenting information that mother or father was a “resident” (not even a citizen) of Hawaii.

The State of Hawaii only will affirm that they have A RECORD OF BIRTH on file, but NOT that the information is accurate.

Hawaii refuses to show it to anyone which violating their own laws, especially when it is being requested by law enforcement of another jurisdiction.

Summary, Audio and Complete Summary Capsules continued at Quick Summary of the Sheriff Joe 2.0 National Security Press Conference

In not one of the numerous law suits on this matter has Obama produced one shred of evidence that he is an American citizen at all.

The Democrat party has taken the position in several states, including Tennessee, that the party isn't required to show proof of eligibility, in other words they can put whomever on the ballot they wish as their nominee.
There's just this obsession in some to prove conspiracy at the highest levels, even if they have to make it up or ignore inconvenient facts. Disturbing.

it doesn't require a high-level conspiracy at all. However, Sheriff Joe should be concentrating on keeping Maricopa safe instead

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