The summary:
Obama could not have been born at the Kapiolani hospital due to the The Nordyke Twin birth certificate numbering curiosity. However, the form itself indicates that the birth was recorded from outside of Hawaii.
A former clerk whose signature is on Obamas Long Form Birth Certificate verified that there was zero chance the electronic documented presented by White House was the original. Many fields were filled in AFTER the original birth certificate had been certified
The State of Hawaii has laws and Jerome Corsi uncovered correspondence confirming that foreign nationals could obtain birth certificates WITHOUT BEING BORN IN HAWAII. Worse, ANY ADULT not even one related to the child could record a birth simply by presenting information that mother or father was a resident (not even a citizen) of Hawaii.
The State of Hawaii only will affirm that they have A RECORD OF BIRTH on file, but NOT that the information is accurate.
Hawaii refuses to show it to anyone which violating their own laws, especially when it is being requested by law enforcement of another jurisdiction.
Summary, Audio and Complete Summary Capsules continued at Quick Summary of the Sheriff Joe 2.0 National Security Press Conference