Obama's golden camel.

:eek:lol: that's pretty funny

I don't think that's it. The issue is two-fold, from my perspective. First, the left just hasn't cultivated the right kind of entertainers for talk radio. While the left has plenty of celebrities from television, music, and film, when those folks start talking politics it tends to come out stilted.

Second, the fundamental ideals of the left do not lend themselves well to the one dimensional venue of talk radio. It is hard to defend or describe complex and brainy rationale on things like foreign policy over the radio, whereas its much easier to get some band to do a mock tune that claims that Obama is a Muslim.

Yeah, liberal talk radio complained about Foxnews from the previous night.

Yeah...... keep on drinking that coolaid!


My humor is evidently lost on you.

Next time, I shall use a puppet or draw it in crayon.

maybe your sense of humor was lost on me when you called me (and others) a hate mongering racist. Then, when you were called on it, you never backed down or even apologized.
maybe your sense of humor was lost on me when you called me (and others) a hate mongering racist. Then, when you were called on it, you never backed down or even apologized.

I am sorry you are a racist.


Seriously, you will have to remind me of what the prior posts were on that in order for me to figure out which particular exchange you are talking about. There's a way to link it, I think. But I don't know how, exactly, other than the old fashined way.
I am sorry you are a racist.


Seriously, you will have to remind me of what the prior posts were on that in order for me to figure out which particular exchange you are talking about. There's a way to link it, I think. But I don't know how, exactly, other than the old fashined way.

Plus, you confuse brainy with pedantic.

(not implying you are either)

Some of our biggest political fallacies come from accepting words as evidence of realities.
I am sorry you are a racist.


Seriously, you will have to remind me of what the prior posts were on that in order for me to figure out which particular exchange you are talking about. There's a way to link it, I think. But I don't know how, exactly, other than the old fashined way.


I can hardly wait ...
... to see how some of you Obama-hating fear mongering race baiters deal with the rescue of the captain and the killing of several of the pirates. I can hardly wait to hear how Boortz and the others who were trying to make this a Muslim thing and infer that Obama was standing aside deals with today's events.

another thread, perhaps even this one, has you claiming that Keith Olbermann's show is incredibly well researched and that he would never utter something that he didn't know was the truth. Well, if Keith is such an arbiter of truth, why did he sit there and nod like a bobble-head doll while Jeanene Garafolo (I don't care if I misspelled her name) called tea party attendees a bunch of brain damaged racists?

another thread, perhaps even this one, has you claiming that Keith Olbermann's show is incredibly well researched and that he would never utter something that he didn't know was the truth. Well, if Keith is such an arbiter of truth, why did he sit there and nod like a bobble-head doll while Jeanene Garafolo (I don't care if I misspelled her name) called tea party attendees a bunch of brain damaged racists?

I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.
I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.

Boortz is the only one I listen to. I am not sure the connection between your ears and your brain is working correctly.
I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.

How do you explain away Obama's involvement in Kenyan politics on the side of the marxist/muslim coalition??
I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.

Have you ever attempted to be with a woman?

It sure would help out a lot........
Have you ever attempted to be with a woman?

It sure would help out a lot........

Can't get over his Rush man crush??

David Freddoso’s book should be read by those people who want to know what the facts are. But neither this book nor anything else is likely to change the minds of Obama’s true believers, who have made up their minds and don’t want to be confused by the facts.

I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.

like allvol said, there's a disconnect from what your ears are hearing to what your brain is comprehending.

Obama himself has touted his Muslim connections, particularly in an effort to mollify the more radical elements of the Muslim world. Thus far, it hasn't worked.

no comments on Garofalo's idiocy?
Boortz is the only one I listen to. I am not sure the connection between your ears and your brain is working correctly.

The Friday before the SEALS rescued that captain, Boortz was one of the conservative radio guys repeatedly referring to the priates as Muslims and "Islamic goons," as though their religion had anything at all to do with the criminal activity they had been engaged in for two decades.
The Friday before the SEALS rescued that captain, Boortz was one of the conservative radio guys repeatedly referring to the priates as Muslims and "Islamic goons," as though their religion had anything at all to do with the criminal activity they had been engaged in for two decades.
you really believe that the nature of their religious fanaticism and clans warring over religious disputes has anything to do with the problems / poverty that are rampant in the Pirate states?
you really believe that the nature of their religious fanaticism and clans warring over religious disputes has anything to do with the problems / poverty that are rampant in the Pirate states?

LOL, that is NOT what guys like Boortz were talking about, and you know it. The insinuation (on some stations outright claim) was that Obama was being soft on them because they are Muslim. Which turned out to be nonsense.

Now Boortz did on Monday give the President credit on allowing the military to deal with the situation. Of course we have the likes of gsvol on here commenting that Obama slowed them down.

Point is, the continuing subterfuge that Obama is a secrent Muslim is just plain paranoid at this point.
LOL, that is NOT what guys like Boortz were talking about, and you know it. The insinuation (on some stations outright claim) was that Obama was being soft on them because they are Muslim. Which turned out to be nonsense.

Now Boortz did on Monday give the President credit on allowing the military to deal with the situation. Of course we have the likes of gsvol on here commenting that Obama slowed them down.

Point is, the continuing subterfuge that Obama is a secrent Muslim is just plain paranoid at this point.
gsvol might actually have had this one right. In fact, I'd wager much that his commentary is on the money about this situation, but it had nothing to do with the religion practiced by the pirates. It was about his belief, a la Carter, that words and talk can get all things done.
I didn't say racist, I said race-baiting. And that has more to do with the whole African Muslim thing than anything else.

Its a real phenomenon. To this day you have Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher, Boortz, et al, taking every opportunity to continue to raise the claim that maybe Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing.

Come on Law, you HAVE to be smarter than this.
BHO PROUDLY claims to have Muslim roots. It is "fair" game.
LOL, that is NOT what guys like Boortz were talking about, and you know it. The insinuation (on some stations outright claim) was that Obama was being soft on them because they are Muslim. Which turned out to be nonsense.

Now Boortz did on Monday give the President credit on allowing the military to deal with the situation. Of course we have the likes of gsvol on here commenting that Obama slowed them down.

Point is, the continuing subterfuge that Obama is a secrent Muslim is just plain paranoid at this point.

if obama was muslim we wouldn't be having these problems because they obviously have no problem takimg people out. we are looking weak and don't tell me that wont lead to more attacks.
gsvol might actually have had this one right. In fact, I'd wager much that his commentary is on the money about this situation, but it had nothing to do with the religion practiced by the pirates. It was about his belief, a la Carter, that words and talk can get all things done.

Unlike probably anyone else in this discussion, I have talked with native Somalians on this topic.

If you ask any one of the Somalis engaged in piracy if they believe they are practicing jihad in the name of islam, I'll bet you they will answer yes. That might not be their primary motive but that is how they justify it, which is to some an attraction to islamic rule.

If Clinton had wanted to talk with the warlords in Somalia when we had a peace keeping force there, they would have been glad to negotiate. (this from the mouths of native Somalians.)

Instead Clinton ordered our forces to engage, while denying the commanders on the ground the resources they requested and which were on ships standing off shore.

Then we withdrew our forces and bin-Laden bragged America didn't have the stomach to resist the jihad.

The same thing happened in Rwanda when Clinton pulled our peace keeping forces who would have had no problem keeping at bay a mob mostly armed with machetes and nearly a million mostly Christian tribesmen and their families were slaughtered.

All this led to the al-queda bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

To add a kicker to that, Obama was actively and very personally involved in the promotion of Somalian inspired islamic jihad in Kenya in 2007.

Meanwhile the Clinton administration remained mum about the genocide of about two million, mostly Christian, black tribesmen in southern Sudan in the name of islamic jihad.

And that doesn't even touch on the three month illegal bombing of a traditional ally in the Balkans, dropping more bomb tonnage than we dropped in six years in Vietnam that advanced islamic jihad in southeastern Europe more than they had done themselves in three hundred years.

And since you mention Carter's talking points, he helped overthrow our best ally in the mideast, other than Israel, including Turkey, the Shah of Iran who had done much to moderate and modernize his Iran, in the name of human rights, but the mullahs who seized power put more people to death in one year than the Shah had in thirty years.

Likewise when the the communist ANC came to power in South Africa, they killed more black Africans in a few short years than the 'apartheid' government had in forty years.

The same should be said of the hellhole now known as Zimbabwe, as did Ii Amin in his brief reign in the Congo.

You would think at least a few liberals would stop and think once in a while that marxist and muslims have terrible records when they have been in a postition to administer political power, but no it is all America's fault.

You are right it is all about money and power but religion and race play roles.

The liberal left isn't interested at all about discussing the facts in their mad rush to seize power, they are more interested in throwing out slanderous demonizing terms if one objects, such as, racist, bigot, right wing fanatic, etc etc etc.
The Friday before the SEALS rescued that captain, Boortz was one of the conservative radio guys repeatedly referring to the priates as Muslims and "Islamic goons," as though their religion had anything at all to do with the criminal activity they had been engaged in for two decades.

I heard that show. What does that have to do with you claiming he is trying to make a claim that Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing?
I heard that show. What does that have to do with you claiming he is trying to make a claim that Obama is a Muslim in sheep's clothing?

He's just trying to hijack the thread as per usual.

Tuesday could be an uncomfortable day for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who is scheduled to testify before the Congressional Oversight Panel on the Obama administration's management of bailout money.

Barofsky's worrisome findings: Several key components of the $700 billion TARP pose "significant" risks for fraud.

The Treasury Department "adamantly continues to refuse" to require banks to report on how they have used bailout funds.

And despite the administration's attention to executive compensation restrictions for firms that receive bailout cash, it hasn't issued long-awaited rules on pay.

The government already has nearly 20 criminal investigations related to the TARP underway. Details aren't being divulged at this point beyond saying they have to deal with securities fraud, insider trading, mortgage fraud and the like.

"The American people have a right to know how their tax dollars are being used," says Barofsky's quarterly report.

We need to call for the resignations of two of the Obama appointees minimum, Gaithner and Napolitano!

Gaithner has confessed he has never been a banker, only a 'public servant' and is obviously incompetent.

Napolitano doesn't even know where the freaking 911 attackers came from and has now POed Canada, POed veterans and is obviously as incompetent as a box of rocks.

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department--understaffed since the start of the Obama administration--struggles with management and oversight.

The Treasury Department has not hired an asset manager for the TARP's investment portfolio,

it hasn't priced its investments, and

it hasn't determined whether it will convert its preferred shares in companies to common stock.

The department hasn't even issued new rules on executive pay for bailout recipients, even though the stimulus bill signed by President Obama earlier this year calls for specific pay limits and the administration announced its own pay guidelines that month.


Crimes suspected in 20 bailout cases -- for starters

The cases represent only the first wave of investigations, and the total fraud could ultimately reach into the tens of billions of dollars, according to Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general overseeing the bailout program.

What started out in October as a $750-billion effort only to buy toxic securities has morphed into 12 separate programs that cover up to $3 trillion in direct spending, loans and loan guarantees -- an amount roughly equal to the annual federal budget.

Meanwhile after three months in office Obama calls for his first (still incomplete, if not totally incompetent) cabinet meeting and guess what???

He says he has a credibility gap and asks them to trim $100 million from the budget, that's like $6 out of $60,000!!!!

For all the trumpeting, the effort raised questions about why Obama set the bar so low, considering that $100 million amounts to:

--Less than one-quarter of the budget increase that Congress awarded to itself.

--4 percent of the military aid the United States sends to Israel.

--Less than half the cost of one F-22 fighter plane.

--7 percent of the federal subsidy for the money-losing Amtrak passenger rail system.

--1/10,000th of the government's operating budgets for Cabinet agencies, excluding the Iraq and Afghan wars and the stimulus bill.

Obama only asked his Cabinet secretaries to identify waste in their annual operating budgets, which total a little over $1 trillion. He's leaving out war costs, the economic stimulus measure, the Wall Street bailout and benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans were quick to point out that borrowing costs for February's stimulus package will on average cost almost $100 million a day over the next decade.

If that isn't enough, Obama and Giathner just illegally donated $140 billion to the IMF, which will probably go to help prop up Ortega and Chavez, (where is the transparency there?????) but now has the absolute gall to ask congress for $500 billion more!

How much is that in Zimbabwen dollars??

Anyone still supporting this administration and it's appointments doesn't have the IQ of used dishwater.

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