I am an Infantry Officer. I have an accounting degree and will go back to school for my MBA in either 2010 / 2011 (depending upon which course BHO decides to take in Iraq).
I do not have kids. I am the product of a working father and a working mother. They sacrificed their off time to educate myself and my three siblings. We were allowed 1 TV show (or game) to watch during the week. We were required to read a book, of their choosing, every month. Every summer my parents brought home math and science workbooks for my siblings and I. We had homework that was due everynight to my parents when they returned home from work.
I was also involved in at least 1 sport (most of the time 2) every single season of the year. There were many days growing up when I absolutely loathed my parents. I knew how much free time my friends had. I knew that the demands on them were not half as much as the demands from my parents. It was not until about my third year of college that I realized the gift my parents had given me and the amount of time and effort they put into that gift.
Feel free to call me cynical. I could care less if parents want to be "kind" to their children. I won't be and my kids will be better off for it.
And, always remember, "There is always enough time. It is the will that is lacking."