Michelle Obama's Mirror: We Are All Terrorists Now
Meanwhile, over at Brunos Homeland Security agency, weve finally discovered where to direct our anti-terrorist forces: at you. Despite the worldwide Jihadist war declared against all infidels (I hope youre paying attention Hollywood theyre talking about you), HS has determined through in-depth research and studies that their pre-conclusions were correct: the real threat to America comes from home grown terrorists like Susan Daniels. Shes a 70 year old mother of 7 and private investigator challenging Big Guys Social Security credentials, so you know shes dangerous.
Thats right. It seems we have just received the official and incontrovertible results of a report funded by Homeland Security that classifies
Americans who are suspicious of centralized federal authority, and reverent of individual liberty as extreme right-wing terrorists.
Articles: Why Did Barack Obama Let Terry Lakin Go to Jail?
For 16 years, Barack Obama represented in public that he head been born in Kenya:
o 1991 - Obama announced a book, Journeys in Black and White (never published), representing himself as born in Kenya through his literary agency, Acton & Dystel.
o June 1998 - June 2002, Jane Dystel Literary Management client listings featured Obamas revised biographical summary as the author of Dreams From My Father but still claimed to be born in Kenya.
o On June 27, 2004, an AP story, Kenyan-Born Obama All Set for US Senate, featured a quote from Obama, indicating he had been consulted for the story for accuracy about his background.
o December 2004 - Jane Dystel Literary Managements revised client listing reflected Obamas experience as junior Democratic senator from Illinois and keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, but continued to assert that he was born in Kenya.
o April 3, 2007 - Having announced his candidacy for the US Presidency in February 2007, the client list for Jane Dystel Literary Management still portrayed Barack Obama as born in Kenya. Later, on April 21, 2007, for the first time, Obamas biographical summary claimed Obama was born in Hawaii.
Despite 16 years of portraying himself as born in Kenya, in December 2010, Obama, as Commander In Chief of the US Military, allowed a decorated war veteran and Army Flight surgeon, Terry Lakin, to be wrongfully court martialed while being denied the right of discovery. Lakin was sentenced to prison and dishonorably discharged for questioning Obamas eligibility for the Presidency based on the question of Obamas birthplace.