Observations from the Cincinnati vs L-ville 2012 game



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
...just watched the replay of last year's game, and here are some of the notes I took away from watching Butch's Bearcats.

1) Offense operates out of the Shotgun practically 100% of the time. Beforehand, I thought it would be a mix. Maybe in the SEC, he will mix in some more conventional alignments

2) He wasn't joking when he said they'd run a fast paced/up-tempo offense. It's almost like Peyton would do at the Colts, oftentimes. Trying to rush the players to the LOS, and catch the defense off guard with a quick-snap...except on EVERY play.

I think that will be have a major impact on our opponents, as they are not used to it. It's hard to handle even for teams that are. I also think that will frustrate Saban, as the defense doesn't have time to disguise their blitzes and coverages. They will have a hard enough time getting lined up. He is not going to like that. I think Oregon would have crushed Bama if they had gotten to play in the NCG, partly for this reason. :)

3) They actually are a Run-first offense. Seemed like 60/40 run vs the pass.

4) They got a nice run game. About 75% of the time they go off tackle...that's why Azzani has been preaching WR toughness. They will HAVE to block, as they will impact the running game nearly as much as the OL, itself.

Seems like they rely on the OT and TE to seal the edge and it's up to the WR's to block on the perimeter. That's their bread and butter in the run game.

5) Although CBJ likes a mobile QB, you won't see many designed running plays for the QB. With this in mind and the fact that they primarily run out of the Shotgun, this offensive system could be Justin Worley's cup of tea.

6) Munch Legeaux was a below average QB, and even though he had a bad game, I'm totally surprised that Cincy lead the game for most of the duration and should have come away with a win.

That tells me CBJ knows how to get the most out of lesser talented players....or the system helps overcome the weaknesses of the QB. Teddy Bridgewater didn't have a stellar game, either (Cincy defense got pressure on him most of the game), but he was by far the better QB in that matchup.

7) The defense doesn't do a lot of blitzing. Probably a similar style to Wilcox's D....but seems a bit more aggressive

Anybody else notice anything different?
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Good analysis. The defense was what grabbed my attention the most. Very aggressive and seemed to be in the right places when they needed to be. Handled UL much better than the UF defense did. Able to get pressure on Bridgewater.

As I've said all along Worley played in a very similar system in high school and just because he doesn't run a 4.5 doesn't mean he won't flourish in it. Legeaux may have had more speed and did scramble a bit for some first downs but it is not essential to the offense.

From this game and Cincy's bowl game (which may even say more considering our DL coach was standing in) you can tell that they had much less talent, which means they were extremely well coached and Butch seems to get the most of out his players. This is great news as it appears he is the opposite of late Fulmer and Dooley in the development department. But the SEC is a different animal so we shall see.
Alabama wouldn't have struggled against this offense. You can stop this kind of offense will sound technique and discipline. Auburn seemed to have handled it well when they played against Oregon in the National Championship game and they had an above average defense, where bama has one of the best.
Alabama wouldn't have struggled against this offense. You can stop this kind of offense will sound technique and discipline. Auburn seemed to have handled it well when they played against Oregon in the National Championship game and they had an above average defense, where bama has one of the best.

Uh Auburn ran a similar offense when it comes to no-huddle, fast-paced, spread formations, etc. Malzahn may have been a bit more tricky and had Newton but same basic principles. And Bama lost to them. So hard to see your point here.
Uh Auburn ran a similar offense when it comes to no-huddle, fast-paced, spread formations, etc. Malzahn may have been a bit more tricky and had Newton but same basic principles. And Bama lost to them. So hard to see your point here.
Exactly. Bama also lost to TAM last year, with a spread type offense. And that wasn't all Johnny Football. All things being equal, it is indeed harder on defenses. That is why Bret Bilemma complained about it at the SEC Media days.

It's not so much about discipline and sound fundamentals....if you give him time, Saban will try to confuse QB's with disguised coverages and blitzes. Playing this offense, it's all a defense can do just to get lined up. They don't have time to even get a defensive call in. Not to mention not giving the defense a break.

The key to this offense is sustaining drives. I think this is where we fell apart when we played Oregon a few years ago. You can play well, for a while, perhaps, but eventually the damn will break and your D will run out of gas.

I like it, personally. Fulmer would always try and sit on a lead. CBJ will be just the opposite. Once he gets a lead, he mashes the gas even harder.
Why do people continue to think that the 2013 (and forward) Volunteers are going to be Cincy ver 2.0? If the south were to rise again, would you expect to see musket armed soldiers and artillery behind horses?
Why do people continue to think that the 2013 (and forward) Volunteers are going to be Cincy ver 2.0? If the south were to rise again, would you expect to see musket armed soldiers and artillery behind horses?
Because it's a much bigger stretch to think otherwise. The whole reason he brought his coordinators with him was to run HIS system....not install a new one.
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Yeah I hope we run a spread offense and I wont miss the conventional approach at all. This offense will make us hard to plan for. I just love the high octane offense that is run first. Combine SEC size and speed with this style of offense you can be deadly
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...just watched the replay of last year's game, and here are some of the notes I took away from watching Butch's Bearcats.

1) Offense operates out of the Shotgun practically 100% of the time. Beforehand, I thought it would be a mix. Maybe in the SEC, he will mix in some more conventional alignments

2) He wasn't joking when he said they'd run a fast paced/up-tempo offense. It's almost like Peyton would do at the Colts, oftentimes. Trying to rush the players to the LOS, and catch the defense off guard with a quick-snap...except on EVERY play.

I think that will be have a major impact on our opponents, as they are not used to it. It's hard to handle even for teams that are. I also think that will frustrate Saban, as the defense doesn't have time to disguise their blitzes and coverages. They will have a hard enough time getting lined up. He is not going to like that. I think Oregon would have crushed Bama if they had gotten to play in the NCG, partly for this reason. :)

3) They actually are a Run-first offense. Seemed like 60/40 run vs the pass.

4) They got a nice run game. About 75% of the time they go off tackle...that's why Azzani has been preaching WR toughness. They will HAVE to block, as they will impact the running game nearly as much as the OL, itself.

Seems like they rely on the OT and TE to seal the edge and it's up to the WR's to block on the perimeter. That's their bread and butter in the run game.

5) Although CBJ likes a mobile QB, you won't see many designed running plays for the QB. With this in mind and the fact that they primarily run out of the Shotgun, this offensive system could be Justin Worley's cup of tea.

6) Munch Legeaux was a below average QB, and even though he had a bad game, I'm totally surprised that Cincy lead the game for most of the duration and should have come away with a win.

That tells me CBJ knows how to get the most out of lesser talented players....or the system helps overcome the weaknesses of the QB. Teddy Bridgewater didn't have a stellar game, either (Cincy defense got pressure on him most of the game), but he was by far the better QB in that matchup.

7) The defense doesn't do a lot of blitzing. Probably a similar style to Wilcox's D....but seems a bit more aggressive

Anybody else notice anything different?

Agree with #5, but #2 is ludicrous - louisville handled it enough to get a win, but Saban will somehow be flummoxed?
Agree with #5, but #2 is ludicrous - louisville handled it enough to get a win, but Saban will somehow be flummoxed?
Louisville only handled it to the extent that Munchy Legeaux allowed them to....with his terrible play. Teddy Bridgewater was stymied for most of the game, by Cincy's defense, but even he had a decent completion percentage on the night. Munchie's was horrid. He was inaccurate and erratic all night. He got benched not long after that game.

Also....you're trying to compare apples to oranges. I never said Cincinnati....with their level of talent...would give Bama fits. But with a team a lot closer to Bama's talent, he likely would. Gruden himself said last offseason, when interviewed at our coaches clinic, that one thing that troubled him about the college game was the disadvantage defenses have trying to defend up-tempo, fast paced offenses.

Are you going to argue with him and Brett Beliema (Sp?)....Ark's new HC (from Wisconsin...where they rarely had to play such offenses)?
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Louisville only handled it to the extent that Munchy Legeaux allowed them to....with his terrible play. He was inaccurate and erratic all night. Also....you're trying to compare apples to oranges.

I never said Cincinnati....with their level of talent...would give Bama fits. But with a team a lot closer to Bama's talent, he likely would. Gruden himself said last offseason, when interviewed at our coaches clinic, that one thing that troubled him about the college game was the disadvantage defenses have trying to defend up-tempo, fast paced offenses.

Are you going to argue with him and Brett Beliema (Sp?)....Ark's new HC (from Wisconsin...where they rarely had to play such offenses)?

The talent disparity on offense between Tenn and Cincy is dwarfed by the talent disparity on defense between Louisville and Bama. I don't think Saban is losing alot of sleep over this year's matchup. Next year and the year after is another topic.
i didnt watch any cicny games last year, but Cincy team that had pead I watched quite a bit. Mainly because of what he did with pead and that offense.

of course with the exception of the 2nd half against DD
The talent disparity on offense between Tenn and Cincy is dwarfed by the talent disparity on defense between Louisville and Bama. I don't think Saban is losing alot of sleep over this year's matchup. Next year and the year after is another topic.
You are still comparing apples to oranges, here. He was competing with the best team in the Big East (Co-Champions with Cincy, anyway), with a QB that should have been a 3rd stringer. And you forget to mention that same Louisville team handed Florida their hats in the Sugar Bowl.

Bama has lost a game during the regular season, each of the last two years. How many years did we just lose one game and end up falling waaaayy down the ladder come bowl time?

They are lucky that they even got a shot at the NC both times. Not only did they lose to TAM, but they came danger close to losing 2 more. LSU had them on the ropes, as did UGA (within 5yds) in the SECCG. In 2001 we only lost in the SECCG and ended up having to play in the Citrus Bowl...the Citrus Bowl!!!

They are a good team, but they are not the Goliath the media and many fans like you make them out to be. In fact, they would have gotten smashed by Oregon.
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I would say with our O line, arguably one of the best in the
Country this year, Worley in his 3rd year will be MUCH better this year, this offense WILL give a lot of people fits. My main ?? is receivers and how fast they get acclimated-we have some experience in Pig, D Baker and others and they have shown they CAN do it...Going to be an interesting year now that we have some REAL coaches.
YOU THREAD=:clapping:
You are still comparing apples to oranges, here. He was competing with the best team in the Big East (Co-Champions with Cincy, anyway), with a QB that should have been a 3rd stringer. And you forget to mention that same Louisville team handed Florida their hats in the Sugar Bowl.

Bama has lost a game during the regular season, each of the last two years. How many years did we just lose one game and end up falling waaaayy down the ladder come bowl time?

They are lucky that they even got a shot at the NC both times. Not only did they lose to TAM, but they came danger close to losing 2 more. LSU had them on the ropes, as did UGA (within 5yds) in the SECCG. In 2001 we only lost in the SECCG and ended up having to play in the Citrus Bowl...the Citrus Bowl!!!

They are a good team, but they are not the Goliath the media and many fans like you make them out to be. In fact, they would have gotten smashed by Oregon.

We lost 2 games in 01. We also lost to UGA.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's ok to do that comparative score, who beat who thing right up until you mention Derek Dooley taking butch behind the woodshed.

Then, it magically no longer applies
Uh Auburn ran a similar offense when it comes to no-huddle, fast-paced, spread formations, etc. Malzahn may have been a bit more tricky and had Newton but same basic principles. And Bama lost to them. So hard to see your point here.

In terms of Auburn vs. Oregon, Auburn also got a major break when the RB (Dyer?) looked like he was down and every Oregon player pulled up and stopped. He then proceeded to run down the field for 60+ yards which eventually led to a TD and the game. Were it not for that play, I'm not sure Auburn would have won; Oregon was finding its stride (turbo style). Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they won to keep the Crystal in the SEC and pi_s off ESPN.
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This up tempo offense thing might help for the first couple of years.

But, your kidding yourself if you think coaches and DC wont figure out a way to counter it or won't get their players ready for it.

See Stanford for an example.
In terms of Auburn vs. Oregon, Auburn also got a major break when the RB (Dyer?) looked like he was down and every Oregon player pulled up and stopped. He then proceeded to run down the field for 60+ yards which eventually led to a TD and the game. Were it not for that play, I'm not sure Auburn would have won; Oregon was finding its stride (turbo style). Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they won to keep the Crystal in the SEC and pi_s off ESPN.

You have to play until the whistle blows. Dyer knew he wasn't down and kept going. It reminds me of Lane's freshman year, except video replay showed that Lane was down. It was so close, but Lane finished the play out like he wasn't down. Once again play til the whistle!
...just watched the replay of last year's game, and here are some of the notes I took away from watching Butch's Bearcats.

1) Offense operates out of the Shotgun practically 100% of the time. Beforehand, I thought it would be a mix. Maybe in the SEC, he will mix in some more conventional alignments

2) He wasn't joking when he said they'd run a fast paced/up-tempo offense. It's almost like Peyton would do at the Colts, oftentimes. Trying to rush the players to the LOS, and catch the defense off guard with a quick-snap...except on EVERY play.

I think that will be have a major impact on our opponents, as they are not used to it. It's hard to handle even for teams that are. I also think that will frustrate Saban, as the defense doesn't have time to disguise their blitzes and coverages. They will have a hard enough time getting lined up. He is not going to like that. I think Oregon would have crushed Bama if they had gotten to play in the NCG, partly for this reason. :)

3) They actually are a Run-first offense. Seemed like 60/40 run vs the pass.

4) They got a nice run game. About 75% of the time they go off tackle...that's why Azzani has been preaching WR toughness. They will HAVE to block, as they will impact the running game nearly as much as the OL, itself.

Seems like they rely on the OT and TE to seal the edge and it's up to the WR's to block on the perimeter. That's their bread and butter in the run game.

5) Although CBJ likes a mobile QB, you won't see many designed running plays for the QB. With this in mind and the fact that they primarily run out of the Shotgun, this offensive system could be Justin Worley's cup of tea.

6) Munch Legeaux was a below average QB, and even though he had a bad game, I'm totally surprised that Cincy lead the game for most of the duration and should have come away with a win.

That tells me CBJ knows how to get the most out of lesser talented players....or the system helps overcome the weaknesses of the QB. Teddy Bridgewater didn't have a stellar game, either (Cincy defense got pressure on him most of the game), but he was by far the better QB in that matchup.

7) The defense doesn't do a lot of blitzing. Probably a similar style to Wilcox's D....but seems a bit more aggressive

Anybody else notice anything different?

I believe this is a spot on observation of the bearcat, louiville game. Remember though that munchi legeaux had an awful game throwing 3 int's one of which was a killer in OT. I also think he was benched for the rest of the season after this game??? They had to be a run first offense and louiville was content to load the box man up with everyone else and play tight.
Conclusion it was a wonder cincy was even in this game and talent wise I thought they were way overmatched only flaw in the game for CBJ and company was the drive LVille had with 2 mins left and the timeout before the OT feild goal
It's ok to do that comparative score, who beat who thing right up until you mention Derek Dooley taking butch behind the woodshed.

Then, it magically no longer applies

That was one of the few games where he had Bray, Hunter, and Rogers healthy. DD is a lot better coach then people give him credit. People act like he went 1-11 for three years straight. If it wasn't for Sal, I honestly believe we would of beat Georgia, Mizoo, Miss. St., USCjr. and Vandy. We would of went 10-2 last year, maybe 9-3.
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We lost 2 games in 01. We also lost to UGA.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I stand corrected. Could have sworn we were undefeated going into the SECCG. Still, it seemed during our heyday, that if you lost even one game, there was almost no chance you'd make it to the NCG.
It's ok to do that comparative score, who beat who thing right up until you mention Derek Dooley taking butch behind the woodshed.

Then, it magically no longer applies
That's because we had a decent defense with Wilcox, and a dynamic trio (Bray, Hunter, and Da'Rick Rogers). Cincy just had no answer for those 3, and that's what it boiled down to. But they put a big scare in us initially and fought back like mad men toward the latter part of the game. That team, which beat Cincinnati, would never surface again. Hunter and Bray got injured shortly thereafter and it exposed just how shallow this team was. 2 injuries sunk the whole season.

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