Offense vs Defense

Doesn't this scoring system simulate the fact that games are won snap by snap not touchdown by touchdown? Wouldn't you be less inclined to take a play off if you knew your efforts could result in points? This system is to breed a mentality of winning every play and therefore winning the game.
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It was different. I'd rather do a traditional spring game. I kinda liked the draft idea Dooley had honestly
I don't care if they run around in chicken costumes during the spring game. As long as the coaches learn more about the team and improve the team which results in Wins. That's all that matters. If the coaches believe this format helps them help the team, I'm all for it.
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Doesn't this scoring system simulate the fact that games are won snap by snap not touchdown by touchdown? Wouldn't you be less inclined to take a play off if you knew your efforts could result in points? This system is to breed a mentality of winning every play and therefore winning the game.

Exactly! You want your players to never take a play off. I like the format, the white offense against the orange defense. I wanted to see pressure on the kicker but I understand Butch and his process.
They should have played a "real" football game, with 1's vs 1's. It's truly the only way to get the best out of your players. Also, take off the damn red jerseys. JMO.

Yeah cause you want your two, I repeat two, scholarship qbs to get hurt. Good call chief.
From a practical standpoint, there will be a few differences on Saturday. Without enough depth to draft a full team, Jones is splitting the teams into offense and defense, as he’s done during spring scrimmages. The defense will wear orange; the offense and special teams will be in white.

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