Offensive thoughts...

I know it seemed like they blitzed a lot but they didn't. They show blitz formations, but 85% of the time they only rushed 3-4 guys. Our o-line just got abused today because of speed and piss poor play calling.

Agreed but let me clarify, Oregon had no fear of play action the second the ball went towards Neal and Lane's bread basket 8-9 defenders hit the box full speed like it was free all u can eat at the buffet. Not making excuses for the online they did not play well and play calling was a head scratcher.
OP please submit your Application to our AD Otter, he will review it and decide if your worth a look.
Well I was down close to the field (row 6 on the 30 yard line) and on several plays, I basically had a view right down the line of scrimmage. From my view you could see the Duck defensive linemen get into the TN oline and stand them up. I'd give credit to Lane and Neil for getting those yards.

I will say in the first quarter the TN oline did get into the defense pretty good. But that didn't last very long.

I'm not pretending to be some football expert, just telling you what it looked like at field level looking down the line.
Why is anyone trying to argue with you.. Geeze we just got our asses handed to us.. You are correct
Its the same stuff every year. I can't even remember the last time we won a big time game. Every yr we get throttled in the games that count. What's it going to take to get this team even competing in games I don't mind losing but getting our heads kicked in every saturday is getting old. I love our vols but sometimes its hard to watch them play
I want to see what Butch does to improve the offense, until then, I can't comment on Butch's ability as a coach.
Let's face it, Butch doesn't have much to work with, but with that being said, he certainally has to make changes or the team will lose faith in his leadership and we all know what happens then.
My Two Cents...
Going into this season, local pundits were saying that Oregon's defensive line this year would be the best EVER. (even better than those glory D-line years with Haloti Ngata)
We have several DL players that will be playing in the NFL. Arik Armstead (2nd year) was a 5 star recruit who got scholarship offers from EVERYBODY, and shocked almost everybody by choosing Oregon.

I was looking forward to this game to see how Tenn's highly rated offensive line would do vs Oregon's DL.

Seems like for one quarter or so, your O-line was pushing our D-line around.
Not sure what changed, perhaps it was the lack of a credible passing threat that allowed extra safety and or LB help, but for the 2nd and 3rd quarters our DL seemed to win vs your O line. (4th quarter was scrubs playing, not really an indicator of anything.)

And as I have said in another thread...
Don't be too hard on your team, 3 time zone jet lag is a HUGE and often understated handicap your team had to play with.

I also mentioned in another thread....
You would have scored a bunch more points (still lost, but more respectable score) if your quarterback did not miss so many wide open receivers.
Seems like every time he had to move he would miss his throw.
I thought your backup was more accurate, especially in the face of a blitz.

Accurate passing from the qb will be key to your beating Florida (See their bowl loss at the end of last year.)

I hope you beat them!

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