The Issues or flaws which aren't much that I have are Joe Pike a badass and other main Character that is Elvis's Partner for the Private Investigator Company isn't shown much in action.
He freakin easily killed a Bad Guy using a knife and that didn't intimidate a other guy to reveal information where is the kid with all he knows, and not to lie otherwise he would be killed the same vicious violent way.
Also Elvis apologizes to a kid which I don't understand why because I don't recall reading what wrong action he used that he would have to apologize to a kid.
From start to the end a great book with flawed believable 3 dimensional characters including Elvis a main character and his Partner Joe Pike, likable good characters and a main Villain with a believable motive for the kidnapping, a cliffhanger ending that likely resumes in book 2 Stalking The Angel, and the whole Elvis gets his PI licence removed in the 2nd book could happen because he disobeyed a lawyer saying he and Joe are off the kidnapping case if he continues the investigation his PI licence will be removed, etc.
This is set in Los Angeles, and does seem similar to the great gritty Action movie 48 Hours.
Elvis does listen to a Lakers game, this is set in Los Angeles.
The 1st 100 pages can be called the build up.
Final 101 pages are terrific with Rated R action, a rescue, memorable lines, a death threat to Elvis by a Ruthless Villain a Narcotics Kingpin that has a syndicate, etc.
Elvis is a wise cracker, can clean up other persons messes as a PI so a moral motive why he is a PI, and has a 9mm Beretta gun with hollow point hot loads that he uses and makes the results damn powerful when he shoots foes it's like steroid bullets.
He shot 2 hollow point bullets picked the bad guy uo that kicked him back off the stool.
Joe Pike gets opportunities to shine including killing easily a bad guy with a knife which coerces another bad guy not to lie.
Elvis has to find a kidnapped kid also his father that he finds out was murdered trying to prevent the kidnapping. That's the main simple plot with his partner Joe Pike helping him.
Elvis will get his hands dirty to rescue a kid, also Joe.
The father wasn't a good husband but he cared about his son so still made a likable character because he attempted to protect his son from ruthless Predators which is admirable because he was outgunned and would not back down showing to be valiant, caring, and selfless putting his son's safety above his own safety risking his life to prevent the kidnapping.
Narcotics were stolen and the Kingpin decides to make a example showing what happens when a person steals his narcotics.
I utterly recommend this book, and will be starting stalking the angel which I assume resumes where the 1st book ended similar to how John Wick Chapter 2 and other sequel movies resume where the 1st movie ended.