Official Christmas Christmas Zone Thread

I normally provide a Christmas limerick each year with my coworkers in the hospital. Sharing with you guys too.

Twas 3 nights before Christmas and all through my frigid house
I could hear the Neighbor’s chihuahua barking next door like a little rabid bish azz mouse.
The fudge & Christmas candy my dear mother brought and placed on the table near my winter hat
Surely contained enough calories in the sweet morsels to make us eternally fat
I arose from my slumber and yelled at my wife to grab me a beer from the Frigidaire
But quickly regretted my decision as I saw her evil stare
My pant size has continued to grow as I stuffed my face with goodies filled with trans fat
And sadly I can’t even muster enough energy to practice yoga on a mat
I glanced out the window and heard a loud clatter to see the neighborhood Karen’s squabbling about
Whose BENZ was phatter
These douche cannon scrooges clearly upset for the wrong reason
Should remember that giving and kindness need to make up this lovely season
Hug your loved ones, Call your Papaw, chug a frothy brew from a tap
Enjoy your three day weekend and a long winters nap!

Merry Christmas Pals!

Christmas spirit is alive and well at Walmart 🤣. I saw two wrecks, woman nearly hit a person trying to cut me off in the parking lot for a parking spot, which I got🤣. The cashier was a hoot, cussing every breath, because she was having to work "while these young mf'g b.... girls were just walking around". She let us all know that she didn't care if it was Christmas, she'd walk out and make them have to work.🤣

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