Official Countdown to Tennessee Basketball Thread

Not sure who nick burns is do that reference is lost on me. As for the rest of your post, If you knew the timeline why did you have it backwards in your first post. And if you actual were trying to convey a seperate meaning why not just point that out in your second post instead of getting your panties in a bunch. And lastly, I am not sure how manning up and admitting your wrong and moving on became typing an apology and running off. Maybe I should type slower for you next time so you get it.

Nick Burns, your company's computer guy is a reference to an SNL skit with Jimmy Fallon. The comparison fits, in this case. And the "well, I guess I'm a little outta my league here" line is an Ace Ventura reference.

Do this - replace the word "then" with "but":

Then our coach lied to the NCAA, and the season suddenly became one of the worst in recent memory.

Does that clear me of my charges? That's all I was trying to do. Didn't mean to give any indication of time in my post. As I said, my point was to show how the impact of what Pearl did derailed our season, with no particular respect to the sequence of events. That's all...

Anyone who's followed UT basketball recently knows that Pearl's meeting with the NCAA occurred before the season even began, including me. I don't need some one to tell me that I'm misrepresenting the facts in a post I made to simply say that the '10-'11 season had me expecting a lot. It's obvious that you read these boards with a critical eye with the intention of pointing out peoples' missteps in an effort to give yourself some sort of personal satisfaction.
I don't you people understand how excited I am for UT basketball. It could be a special year.
Nick Burns, your company's computer guy is a reference to an SNL skit with Jimmy Fallon. The comparison fits, in this case. And the "well, I guess I'm a little outta my league here" line is an Ace Ventura reference.

Do this - replace the word "then" with "but":

Then our coach lied to the NCAA, and the season suddenly became one of the worst in recent memory.

Does that clear me of my charges? That's all I was trying to do. Didn't mean to give any indication of time in my post. As I said, my point was to show how the impact of what Pearl did derailed our season, with no particular respect to the sequence of events. That's all...

Anyone who's followed UT basketball recently knows that Pearl's meeting with the NCAA occurred before the season even began, including me. I don't need some one to tell me that I'm misrepresenting the facts in a post I made to simply say that the '10-'11 season had me expecting a lot. It's obvious that you read these boards with a critical eye with the intention of pointing out peoples' missteps in an effort to give yourself some sort of personal satisfaction.

Wow, all that to explain you don't know how to use the word then.

You also should look up the word 'obvious' in your closest dictionary, since I don't do any of the stuff that you said comes after that.
Wow, all that to explain you don't know how to use the word then.

You also should look up the word 'obvious' in your closest dictionary, since I don't do any of the stuff that you said comes after that.

Oh well. No big deal. I give up. That's all I have.
Not sure who nick burns is do that reference is lost on me. As for the rest of your post, If you knew the timeline why did you have it backwards in your first post. And if you actual were trying to convey a seperate meaning why not just point that out in your second post instead of getting your panties in a bunch. And lastly, I am not sure how manning up and admitting your wrong and moving on became typing an apology and running off. Maybe I should type slower for you next time so you get it.

Backhanded jabs when supposedly being the stand-up citizen in the basketball forum are allsome.
I don't you people understand how excited I am for UT basketball. It could be a special year.

pg play is still a concern for me. I don't mind Trae, but not sure how good the year can be until I see what happens there. His decision making and play down the stretch of games will define the year, imo.
Backhanded jabs when supposedly being the stand-up citizen in the basketball forum are allsome.

Not sure how any of that was backhanded. I gave the guy a chance and he kept taking little shots at me, so I took a couple back at him.

I do appreciate the stand-up citizen part though. I am sure that wasn't a backhanded jab on your part. :eek:k:
Not sure how any of that was backhanded. I gave the guy a chance and he kept taking little shots at me, so I took a couple back at him.

I do appreciate the stand-up citizen part though. I am sure that wasn't a backhanded jab on your part. :eek:k:

I've never claimed to be a saint around these parts. Just find it humorous you stating "how things run around here" like your some reputable executive. Must be because you replied in the Regulars Thread.
Not sure how any of that was backhanded. I gave the guy a chance and he kept taking little shots at me, so I took a couple back at him.

I do appreciate the stand-up citizen part though. I am sure that wasn't a backhanded jab on your part. :eek:k:

Lighten up junebug....nice how you highjacked the tread over the chicken or the egg gig.....
Ah, ic... I was wondering why so much excitement around a countdown to another basketball thread.
The UT Memphis game is on a Friday this season instead of a Wednesday like 2010 (terrible idea to have that game on a Wednesday). That way we'll all be able to tie one on a little more snug pre-game. I'm excited about that.
Fwiw UT is playing KY at home this year. As for if they'll also play them at Rupp I haven't heard, but we are atleast playing them at TBA.
I've never claimed to be a saint around these parts. Just find it humorous you stating "how things run around here" like your some reputable executive. Must be because you replied in the Regulars Thread.

Yeah, if you got that out of that conversation, I really don't know what to say. What is funny is how you criticize me for being an "executive" when you are the one sticking your nose in like this was somehow about you. as a matter of fact that's pretty much all you seem to do.

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