The oceans are really really really big, eh?
..."The bad thing about it is that in the end everyone will lose. Fish stocks have already gone down massively, fleets will have lower and lower yields, fish will become more expensive and ultimately, the market will probably collapse with the fish stocks."...
Scientists Say Only 10%
Of All Big Ocean Fish Left
..."LONDON (Reuters) - Large predatory fish -- marlin, tuna and swordfish -- are disappearing from the world's oceans, [BOLD] with their numbers down by 90 percent in the past 50 years[/BOLD], Canadian scientists said on Wednesday.
"From giant blue marlin to mighty blue fin tuna, and from tropical groupers to Antarctic cod, industrial fishing has scoured the global ocean," said Ransom Myers, a biologist at Dalhousie University in Canada.
"There is no blue frontier left."...
but what they aren't accounting for is Fukishima's continuing radiation releases and its eventual effects of Pacific fisheries.
Monday May 29, 2017
Fukushima Radiation Makes Landfall On U.S. West Coast- And It is Only The Beginning
..."Seaborne Cesium 134, a radioactive isotope released by the 2011 Fukushima disaster, has been detected on the US Pacific coast for the first time by independent researchers
After the catastrophic triple meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011,"...
..."It is incredible that a nuclear disaster that has leaked 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean every day for the last five years could have no effect on the massive environmental crisis unfolding before our eyes."...
But then we have those who bury their head in the sand this case...water, calling others "Chicken Little".
Its cumulative. Our children and grandchildren are going to be paying for ALL our excesses. I suspect there will be generations in the not too distant future who look back on these times with hatred.
They'll have few choices, if any, of fresh wild fish. There will be little if any rainforests left. The climate will be like hell.
But aint no seven mile deep hole gonna hurt thuh arth. Eh bubba?