Official Global Warming thread (merged)

Ocean-study criticism shows benefits of scientific method

When scientists discover an actual error in a scientific study, it is addressed and corrected. So much for that conspiracy theory. And on the contrary, when climate change doubters put forth their trite denier talking points, no amount of debunking will prevent the zombie myths from rising again.
My sister is a PhD research scientist. While she is very protective of her research the people who fund it are not. She has had multiple battles with administrators trying to manipulate findings. Why? Money.
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Ocean-study criticism shows benefits of scientific method

When scientists discover an actual error in a scientific study, it is addressed and corrected. So much for that conspiracy theory. And on the contrary, when climate change doubters put forth their trite denier talking points, no amount of debunking will prevent the zombie myths from rising again.

Re: climate change doubters

We are "climate catastrophe deniers" (not "climate change doubters" << scientists of all persuasions claim that NYC was under 50+ feet of solid ice, just several hundreds of years ago; therefore, we are perfectly accepting of the fact that our earth's climate does change, from time to time).

Rest assured / do not doubt: once the universe and all of its elements are burned up, there will no longer be any "climate" (fair or foul) here on earth (as, there will no longer be any earth nor any elements in the entire univers to climate for, as the universe and all physical universes will be done away with).

New American Standard Bible, 2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
Funny, but there are many whose understanding of climate science is so limited that they actually think long-term global phenomenon are proven false by temporary local conditions.

and every time there is a major hurricane, volcanic eruption, or blizzard in Paris the alarmists screech that we only have 12 years left
and every time there is a major hurricane, volcanic eruption, or blizzard in Paris the alarmists screech that we only have 12 years left

Anyone who does that is equally moronic.

It amazes me that people who recognize the stupidity of the other side's arguments run as fast as they can to make the mirror image stupid argument for their side. Around and around we go in the cyclone of idiocy this country has become.

This is yet another issue where fear and greed take precedence over facts. This really is not a political issue.
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Millions of unknowns and millions of equations. This system we call "climate" may not be determinant, yet we continue to make our simulations and models to forecast cataclysmic destruction as if the science is settled. This is too complex to draw hard line conclusions such as "man caused climate change definitely exists" let alone assign time lines for world ending cataclysm. Anyone trying to enforce political action based on such a flimsy understanding of our climate should be suspected of being a greedy opportunist hell bent on possessing power over the common person's life.
Millions of unknowns and millions of equations. This system we call "climate" may not be determinant, yet we continue to make our simulations and models to forecast cataclysmic destruction as if the science is settled. This is too complex to draw hard line conclusions such as "man caused climate change definitely exists" let alone assign time lines for world ending cataclysm. Anyone trying to enforce political action based on such a flimsy understanding of our climate should be suspected of being a greedy opportunist hell bent on possessing power over the common person's life.

Good post, and very accurate.

The climate models are garbage.

I recently spoke to someone (last week) who works for the climate prediction center as a climate scientist/climatologist. They echo this. The tools they have to work with are poor, so those that say that "the science is out there" are wrong. It's just another ploy by the hard left to steal our money and freedoms. They don't care about the science.

As someone who has studied weather models for 20 years I can tell you that even they are unreliable in a lot of cases. They are only somewhat reliable within a week out, and within about 2 or 3 days they are about 75 percent correct. A great example is our snow event last week. It was only about 12 - 18 hours before the event that some of the models actually increased (accurately) the snowfall forecast. Keep in mind that these weather models have constant data flowing into them. More data than a climate models that is trying to predict YEARS down the road. I'll let you do the math here.
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