I live in Trussville and am also married to an AU fan. She told me im nuts for even thinking Gruden was a possibility.
Thank you for your offer to help!
Guys, I just talked to AV and hes on this.
Thank you to everyone that has offered to help and offered tickets, you blow me away with your kindness! Love you guys!
Because Doctors are experts in dealing with illness. They are specialists in disease. They do NOT know how to live to prevent such disease in the first place. Asking a Dr. what to do to prevent illness is like asking an auto body repair tech how to prevent car crashes. He may have some tips, but his knowledge and expertise is in fixing the wrecked car. As well as his livelihood.
I'm not a Dr. hater, God bless em. Just stating the fact at what they are trained to do, fix sick people, not prevent illness.