Official Jon Gruden Thread IX

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You must be bored to waste your time making this up. Bob may keep the teams he knows gruden has zero interest in at bay so gruden doesn't waste his time but you better believe gruden has giving him a list of teams that he has serious interest in and that those better make it to his desk to make final call. To say zero coaching jobs have made it to him is a lie. Especially this one. He has talked to tn folks on multiple occasions. Bob can't keep Peyton and haslam from gruden. I still have to believe it when I see it and don't trust some of these wild rumors on her but there is a lot of money and power moving around to make a splash. Maybe it won't be gruden but someone big will come with tht type of money in the table

Problem is this could be bs just like all the other people posting stuff.
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I have been hesitant to post this all week regarding the timeline issue because it may not mean anything so please TIFWIW. As I have said here many times, my boss is friends with an nfl position coach who was let go after the raheem morris staff was fired. He still lives in clearwater area and is good friends with JG. As of a month+ ago he had cut off all comminication with my boss regarding the JG hire. After the story broke regarding CDD, he texted my boss Sunday saying "let the JG rumors begin!" My boss was surprised he contacted him after that much time and they started texting back n forth. My boss told him about the raheem morris rumor from the skins network and he said he didnt think JG was going to bring him here as dc. He said he has seen numbers (contract numbers) but has NOT been hired and in fact he was worried that JG would keep our current coach in place and he wouldnt get the job. My boss told him they will be down there in 3 weeks if he wanted to get together then. He texted back, I maybe in knoxville in two weeks if things work out! Now this was in Sunday so two weeks would fit in the Nov 30 timeline that has been mentioned.
Two things to keep in mind here, I saw the text conversation and there was a LOT of bantor back n forth regarding all of the rumors around right now so I dont know how serious he was in saying that. It was the last part of the conversation so who knows. Also, texts and posts are very common in that I may think something I post is funny and you may read it and think I am being a jerk. Happens all the time. So he may have been being cute with his last statement who knows. When I first read it thats hiw I took it until I started reading Basillios blog on monday. Then folks here started saying Nov 30 also so I went back to my boss to clarify how he took it and he said he thought he was being serious that IF he did get the job then he would be here that weekend. Regardless, the two week statement rang out like a bell! Sounds like that the two week timeline is very real. Who knows for sure but I do believe that barring some last minute change in terms or financial backing as others have posted then he is coming. I turn 45 on Dec 1st and other than a hookup from my wife, this is all I want for my Birthday and Christmas!

How about wife + 1
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The only things we have heard concerning Gruden have come from boosters. From past experience i have learned to take a wait and see approach when it pertains to information gathered from boosters.

Wouldn't you agree if the booster didn't get what they want/think their getting, they can get Hart fired? Or is there more to it than that?
I hate to admitt it but there may be a good deal of truth in this post....some of these agents are ruthless with their demands.....would Tennessee ever go along with such demands......I am not convinced any university would
I would love to have Gruden but how far are we willing to go to get him? I wish I knew......still hoping

First off, why would a "friend" of Gruden's agent put out all this detail in a public forum, and call himself an attorney? Makes absolutely no sense to completely ruin your negotiating stance. As you all know, attorneys/agents, withhold as much as possible while getting as much as possible, and then fill in the details once an agreement in principle is reached. As such, this memorandum of bullish*t is a joke, IMHO.
Here is a note from one of friends who worked for Bob Lamonte (Gruden's agent) for three years, and recently left for another agency. I asked him to read the threads on the board and respond to me with his thoughts. He still actively talks to Bob (not often) and others in his office (daily). I don't have anything to add personally as I am not connected to anyone else including boosters, the search, or the AD. Hope this is helpful.

"What you should know about Bob:
He is the most ruthless coach's agent out there. He reps Andy Reid, Mike Holmgren, Josh Mcdaniels and about 80 others. He also represents Jon Gruden- whom he protects like a golden fetus. Every team that has done a deal with any of Bob's coaches has lived to regret the terms Bob negotiates- without exception. His belief is that coaches should have full control, long contracts, and big punitive punishment downside for meddling owners. This rarely works in practice, but Bob will enforce it, and sue if he has to. When UCLA and Michigan were interested in Jon, Bob sent them something he calls "The Minimum Requirements doc" which basically outlines the types of things Jon would need in a job. These "minimum requirements" are non-negotiable. They are also scary: 60mm in salary, 20mm buyout, full control of hiring and firing. No direct counsel with AD regarding hiring, firing or best practices etc. Both UCLA and Michigan walked away based on this document. There are literally things in this doc that are contrary to basic university governance, information flow, and access. They are a no go for any university board, and therefore things don't usually go far when colleges come calling for Jon. Here is an important point: No college or pro job has made it to Jon's desk in the last three years. They all stop at Bob. Ultimately, if someone is willing to say yes to Bob's document, then they can outline a deal offer, and Bob will take it to Jon. As of yesterday, the status is the same. No offer has gone to Jon. Last week, Arkansas tried to circumvent Bob, by not responding to the requirements doc. They instead sent an offer letter outlining a salary offer, assistant coaches budget, and some other perks. It was a big package (over 65mm). Bob did not respond. Tennessee has the Minimum Requirements doc in hand. They have not made an offer, nor expressed that they will go along with the basic terms. They have called Bob's office asking several questions. His assistant asked them to read and sign the doc, then Bob will answer questions. There have been no calls, visits, plane rides or anything else from boosters. The communication has been between the AD and Bob. Jon has been talking on television, getting driven around by his driver, having his nails done (true) and probably laughing at all the talk- if he even knows it is going on. Jon likes to hear other people talk about how "in demand" he is, and then claim he hasn't heard the rumors. Cute. Bob doesn't have a signed letter, and he won't be in on Friday. So- I can say with authority, there is not a deal, and will not be a deal this week. If they want to make a deal with the devil and sign the doc, they can start talking next week, but I would call that a long shot.

Things you should know about Jon:
If you do get a date with the dream boy, you should know these things: He is high maintenance. He does things his way. If you don't like it, you can sit, or walk. Jon is not a teacher. He does not like to interact with rookies, or even young guys unless they are absolute stars who can accelerate into pro-bowlers in three years. Even then, he doesn't teach them. He is a brilliant strategist, he is a genius at understanding scheme mismatches, and he surrounds himself with smart assistants (who traditionally are also not teachers). He is brilliant at using a specific type of quarterback to execute a very specific offensive strategy. He has a deep understanding of evaluating quarterback talent in the context of his system, and downside. He is also is a big believer in deep statistical analysis regarding player "value" based on years in the league, talent, and coach-ability. Every player is evaluated like a stock. When their "value" goes below a certain level, they are traded. Many people believe that Jon may be the best pro coach available if he is given the right talent. He has passed on pro job due to the existing QB, and the "stock profile" of the current rosters. Many analysts also believe his talents don't translate to college well. These are not message board football analysts. These are professional talent consultants who guide owners on acquiring coaches and players. None of my friends who know Jon personally think that he would be good in college either. Neither does Bob. One final note: Bob hates Saban. Saban hates Bob. They met when Nick was at LSU to discuss representation. They didn't hit it off to say the least. Bob wandered too far into joking about players being paid at MSU and LSU, and Nick didn't like it. Google Ralph Cindrich if you want to meet one of Bob's pals who also hates Nick even more. I have no idea whether Saban cheats by the way. I don't think he has to at this point, but that doesn't stop others from pointing. Part of me wonders if Bob would like to see Jon beat Nick. A larger part of me thinks he would not subject Jon to that because he believes Nick would crush him- often and well. Jon is an extension of Bob's ego, and will be until Jon falls. Bob is in no rush to see that happen. As for these characters on this site who say they have high up friends who are saying Jon is signed, it is not true. They may believe it, but it is not so. In closing, I can only say, be careful what you wish for as it may come true. if your university hires Jon, you will be making a bet that would wreck the program for a decade if it doesn't work. it could also work, but man that is a big "if". As for today, no one from UT will have access to Jon until they clear Bob. That has not happened as of yesterday at 6pm EST".

Cliff note version of post:

Blah, blah, blah... Troll.
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I still have not figured out why some are so hung up over Ainge and what he says, not say and when and how he says it. In the grand scheme of things he has zero to do with anything. When the time comes to name Gruden it will not be done by Ainge, the official announcement is UTAD & ESPN, they are the only ones who can make it official.

What? I honestly think it does.... A lot of info flying around and a lot of folks are trying to follow along and determine what part is true and what part is not true...

The thread is a thread to discuss the possibility that we may be lucky enough to get JG and that includes the possibility that we may not (hopefully we will though).....

I would tend to think there be an official Jon Gruden hired thread when/if it takes place...

I can honestly say that I have received different info in the past that didn't match what was said on here and it actually came true...

Most of us want to believe as much as anyone else, but everyone is not getting the same info..

Again let me say I am in no way saying anybody's info is wrong or in accurate, but folks should be aloud to question it and attempt to make their on decisions...:hi:

My info may very well be wrong and I hope it is, but I am still hearing that he hasn't crossed the final "T" or dotted last "I", but he is strongly considering it and most likely will..

I have also heard there are other candidates in play too.... That could be inaccurate also
I hate to admitt it but there may be a good deal of truth in this post....some of these agents are ruthless with their demands.....would Tennessee ever go along with such demands......I am not convinced any university would
I would love to have Gruden but how far are we willing to go to get him? I wish I knew......still hoping

Jon Gruden coming to UT would absolutely change everything for this football program. When boosters are covering a large amount and the AD takes away $18 mil from the academic side just for a coach then I would think are willing to accept Grudens demands. Look at Maryland having to pay a $50 mil buyout to the ACC. When its something that will change things for the better, universities will pay what it takes.
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The only things we have heard concerning Gruden have come from boosters. From past experience i have learned to take a wait and see approach when it pertains to information gathered from boosters.

This confirms what the OG's have said all along... this is not coming out of the AD's office but from boosters

Again my MONEY is on the MONEY... you know the old saying Money talks and BS walks
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