Dude... no body knows S#*T!!!!!!!! I follow quite regularly(every day, morning, afternoon and night). We have all gone crazy it seems. As we all know it was all Gruden at first...but too much leaked...soooo, a lid was put on, Right? Now a few days later we have even more confirmation from multiple "SUPER RELIABLE" sources that the say that Gruden has gone as far as an MOD?? Even in Chattown on an ok local radio show two different broadcasters/hosts have two differen sorces who told them "Deal is done!!"... All TOTAL BS TO ME AT THIS POINT... Especially as I log on after few hours and now FU%$*NG Al Golden-clad is the name from "big boosters"...WTF man!!! No one knows S*%T...and that is the BOTTOM LINE FOLKS.