I'll speak on my behalf, if Gundy turns us down Currie is gone! Then I'm pushing in all my Blue chips on Gruden......
IF this truly is the power play that has been presented
Gruden really did come to some agreement in principal (written or verbal) with a significant booster faction
Gruden does want to coach @ UT
as we were led to believe, both Fulmer and Manning were on board
isn't the booster faction leveraging that with Davenport, DiPietro, et. al.?
It would seem that an arranged conference call with Gruden, his agent, Davenport, DiPietro, et. al. saying that he is interested would blow Currie and Haslam out of the water.
At some point in a contentious negotiation/power play, you force the hand of the other party into acting on their walk way position.
AND you make this publicly known.