I will coordinate with ATL Vol for a golf tournament in the morning and party in the evening. Probably in October before one of the big games.
Send me your address to ervol@yahoo.com
I am going to send you some porters that my friends make, Cherry Street Brewing. A Christmas present.
I am in relaxation mode. Caught up a bit on this thread, first time in a while. Based on what I read from last night, a certain party next year is not going to be for the faint of heart.
Thank you!! This helps. So very excited for it!
Arya, GV and Terry same goes for you, send me an address that I can send you a Christmas present of beer. Tell me what style you like and I will send you some beer from Cherry Street Brewing. Send it to ervol@yahoo.com.
I will take the address down in about 15 minutes.