Copied from a few nights ago. Just for those who aren't night birds.

And at the bottom of this post lies the big, big link.
This song was from a time when music was music. And I put a couple of shoutouts to the late 60s/early 70s in there just in case anyone notices.
Big Bad Jon
(Big Jon Big Jon)
Every morning at UT you could see him arrive
He stood five foot ten and weighed 185
Outspoken fellow who shot from the hip
And everybody knew you didnt give no lip to Big Jon.
(Big Jon Big Jon) Big Bad Jon (Big Jon)
Nobody seemed to know where Jon called home
Cause he worked in his office all night long
Drawing up plays and watching game film
And everybody knew not to mess with him, Big Jon
Somebody said he came from Tampa Bay
Where he took his team all the way
Now hes come home to Tennessee
Gonna lay waste to the SEC, big Jon.
(Big Jon Big Jon) Big Bad Jon (Big Jon)
Then came that night on the Shields Watkins field
When the Alabama band refused to yield
Drummers were drumming and hearts beat fast
And everyone thought it was over at last, cept Jon
Through the noise and racket of this bama made hell
walked a giant of a coach the the Vols knew well
Grabbed Midget Boy by his crimson bandanna
and called out Spider! Two! Y! Banana Big Jon
(Big Jon Big Jon) Big Bad Jon (Big Jon)
Then with all his strength he kicked a might punt
And laid a boot to the Alabama runt.
And Vol fans rejoiced at this sight
Theyd seen the launching of a bama satellite.
by Big Jon
With flags and whistles the Refs had a look
But the couldnt find a rule in the book
So they waited for Midget Boy to hit the ground
But the bama coach never came back down.
(Big Jon Big Jon) Big Bad Jon (Big Jon)
That second half was never played
Cause the bama players were too afraid
Big Jon was smiling and the game was over
Cause thats how he rolls, the third Saturday in October.
(Big Jon Big Jon) Big Bad Jon (Big Jon)
Big Bad John-Original Lyrics-Jimmy Dean - YouTube