We seem to be coming up short on the bigger recruits so far and according to all reports we have lost the biggest (MB) to our bitter rival UGA.
Who cares there are more fish in the sea. We have got a lot of work to do in West Tennessee. It has not been a producer of UTK athletes in any sport.
1) Obviously too much distance in too short of time by the new coaches.
So why complain quite obvious.
2) 5-7. Face it right now UT is not a winning program. These kids were 7-8 years old when we won our last SEC championship. Other powers like Michigan and Notre Dame are having less than stellar recruiting results. Top recruits want to go to a winner!
3) Poor recruiting decisions. In Marlon's case I guarantee you that Mark Riche had him and his grandmother in the largest and most friendly church Of Christ in Athens on Sunday morning during his recruiting visit and had a player and coach sitting in the pew next to him. Kiffin will need to learn in the South, in contrast to the left coast, that religion still is important to recruits.
4) Alienating the media. Mediocre or not, it is important to have the local and regional media on your side. Hopefully Lane will tone down his in-your-face attitude and patch relations with those guys.