OFFICIAL VOLS COMMIT LIST as the LOIs come in -- 2/4

Poster on Justin.TV so probably just a rumor but the guy seems to know his stuff!

Just showed Montgomery with a TN, UNC, and LSU helment about to decide!!!
We seem to be coming up short on the bigger recruits so far and according to all reports we have lost the biggest (MB) to our bitter rival UGA.

Who cares there are more fish in the sea. We have got a lot of work to do in West Tennessee. It has not been a producer of UTK athletes in any sport.

1) Obviously too much distance in too short of time by the new coaches.

So why complain quite obvious.

2) 5-7. Face it right now UT is not a winning program. These kids were 7-8 years old when we won our last SEC championship. Other powers like Michigan and Notre Dame are having less than stellar recruiting results. Top recruits want to go to a winner!

3) Poor recruiting decisions. In Marlon's case I guarantee you that Mark Riche had him and his grandmother in the largest and most friendly church Of Christ in Athens on Sunday morning during his recruiting visit and had a player and coach sitting in the pew next to him. Kiffin will need to learn in the South, in contrast to the left coast, that religion still is important to recruits.

4) Alienating the media. Mediocre or not, it is important to have the local and regional media on your side. Hopefully Lane will tone down his in-your-face attitude and patch relations with those guys.

I hope he continues to keep those idiots in line. He has nothing to gain from a relationship with them. Keep them at a distance and do not allow them to stab you in the back. I would rather him be at odds with them than in bed with them like CPF.
If Kiffin starts Bible thumping and pandering to the mouthbreathing Knoxville media, I hope he's fired immediately.
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Someone asked former UT coach Steve Caldwell why the great HS receiver Reggie Brown changed his prior committment form UT to Georgia on NSD. He replied "When I heard that Rodney Garner had sit next to his mom at his hometown church the Sunday before NSD, I knew we had lost him".
Why is it you feel compelled to incite this kind of argument? If you don't want to "thump" a Bible then fine... but how about leaving those who do alone. Christianity is a religion that you either live or you don't have. You don't put it in the closet and pull it out on Christmas and Easter.
Someone chose to voice the opinion that God Squadding would have helped the cause with Brown. I chose to voice the opinion I'd rather lose players.
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Ok to make everyone happy I'll go with the consensus and agree that today means nothing. It is out of our control and there is no reason to worry because it is out of our control.

Given your career, I would think you would understand how hard it is to sway some of these 18 yo kids' decisions. This staff only had a short time to sway some of these kids to come to UT. I hope you dont apply this "sky is falling approach" in the military. Kiffin and the staff are great recruiters but dont you think we're setting the bar just a wee bit high given the time frame they have had to work with?
(Edwards signs) Cornerback Mike Edwards signs with UT. More on GVX
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