One thing this year has taught me is how unbelievably fast the women's bb world is moving.
The older players like Clark, Reese, Brink got caught up in an unfortunate narrative that it was somehow good for the game and good for women to be as awful as the worst men in the sport. Was somehow their right and duty. Also that performative whining, bullying, obnoxious behavior was "passion". So F you, and you, and you.
Fortunately, those players are already yesterday's news and the new generation doesn't seem to care a whit about such crap. They show their passion through joy, hard play and positive interaction w fans. Of course things may get chippy and they may jaw, but Watkins, Hildago, Crooks, etc don't seem so consumed by all that. They're the ones who are actually freed up.
Maybe it took the mistakes of the older generation to get us to the young uns, but I find them infinitely more enjoyable.