I have seen many, many vapid posts on internet forums in my day...That said, yours wins top honors as the most mindless of them all.
See if you can follow me here: I am a fan, at the moment, of this football team. In years past, I have spent money to follow this football team. I also have the power of speech, and can even write, sometimes even on a forum just like this one.
Now, wait for it...Because I have the ability to communicate with other fans, I also have the ability to share my displeasure with the team with said fans. Believe it or not, some other fans of this team actually have real expectations, as I do, of how this football program should be run; and when they read or hear the thoughts of someone such as myself, and my thoughts echo theirs, they can be influenced by my thoughts.
See how that works?
So, unfortunately, your assertion that my opinion on who we recruit does not matter, is, unfortunately for your intellect, incorrect.