Oh the optimism has been drained by a team that would beat any other SEC team

Alabama i think gets Oregon. Lswho knows? Georgia lost to Clemson so no. SC and aTm are just laughable. Really dude? Really?:post-4-1090547912:
Tennessee will beat the teams they should beat and lose to the teams they shouldn't beat. I do think they will sneak in an upset along the way, likely Florida or South Carolina.
El~O~El! This defense is HORRIBLE. Stop lying to yourself..

and you base this on getting blown out by an Oregon team that blows out virtually everyone they play ? Nevermind that Oregon matches up perfectly with all of our weaknesses..

You know , if our QB and rookie receivers could convert drives ...presto chango ...our running game looks better and our defense looks better .

See ...our defense has ZERO depth . They were on the field basically the entire game against the fastest , and fastest paced team in CF. The ducks are designed to make you tire and hence make mistakes. This works especially well against teams with no depth and their offense leaves the D on the field the whole game

I will reserve judgement until after I have seen them play teams that are a little more orthodox
If Oregon is running that offense to perfection ain't nobody beating them... Now if they can get into a scoring bonanza then someone might beat them otherwise it will be tough... That team reminded me of the UN LV BASKETBALL teams...clicking on all cylinders and its over...,

Wrong. Look no further than LSU vs Oregon 2011. A team that an generate an inside pass rush ( without blitzing or using the defensive ends ) will shut down the zone read ....leaving them 1 dimensional. There are several of those caliber fronts in the SEC . Not to mention that a solid 3-4 team has build in edge contain and can easily contol the extra E gap that the zone read generate.
Oregon can be run on. If our QB could throw the basic throws , and backed them out of their run keys we would have had a much better running game against them. There are a ton of teams that can make the basic throws.
Also , some of the teams that have a solid 4 deep would fair much better against the pace.
Really ..before you anoint them ...look back at how they were beaten by LSU in 2011. The zone read was shut down by interior pressure , the secondary teed off on a passing game that is not meant to function in isolation. LSU would still be running on them if someone had not ended the game in the 4th quarter.
There are several teams that can and would beat them ...we are not one of them
If Oregon is running that offense to perfection ain't nobody beating them... Now if they can get into a scoring bonanza then someone might beat them otherwise it will be tough... That team reminded me of the UN LV BASKETBALL teams...clicking on all cylinders and its over...,

Yeah so i guess you think Oregon's defense can stop Alabama's offense? Don't think so. This is what people overlook when they talk about Oregon v Bama. Alabama's offense would wear their defense down and would score pretty much at will.
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The Vols are 12-28 against SEC teams since 2008, and 8 of the 12 wins were against UK and Vandy. We're opening SEC play against a team that has beaten us for 8 years straight. That's why the optimism is drained.
If Oregon is running that offense to perfection ain't nobody beating them... Now if they can get into a scoring bonanza then someone might beat them otherwise it will be tough... That team reminded me of the UN LV BASKETBALL teams...clicking on all cylinders and its over...,

That's ludicrous. UT isn't good enough to be used as a measuring stick of how good any team is. Oregon's offense has done this for years, and then they encounter a real defense and they look very pedestrian. UT hasn't had a real defense in a long time.
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