Ohio St vs Ohio

way wide right. Haha, Ohio's fight song is "Stand Up and Cheer," Western Kentucky's fight song.

Gonna be a Ohio U lead at the half.

Gotta get me some of that Boo Jackson hair.
I actually like OU's band. OSU will run away with this though.
I actually like OU's band. OSU will run away with this though.

OU came to Commonwealth twice in the probation years. The second year, the football team AND the band kicked Kentucky's you know what.
Things like this happen. OSU will probably answer the bell. But, I would almost bet that the people who know, wouldn't write them off like they have written us off (if OSU loses the game). And, I'm talking to some of you guys too.
Well I just finished wiping down my TV screen after listening to Dr.Lou.

Bobcats still taking it to the Buckeyes. Me like :)
TD Ohio... Ohio St destorys Ohio..in my lee voice " not so fast my friend"
Posted via VolNation Mobile
wouldnt it be incredible if ohio pulled this off. there would be no more mention of ut for the upcoming week. ahhhh i can only dream.

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