If you consider Tennessee's recruiting base as being in-state plus western North Carolina and northern Georgia and also include legacy players in that mix then there aren't many players who signed with Tennessee in the last two classes that don't fit the profile of players that normally do sign with Tennessee. Dewayne Hendrix (no longer even here) was from Illinois but even he had family from Memphis that were Tennessee fans. Gavin Bryant doesn't fit that profile but it's unclear how hard he was recruited by Alabama and Auburn due to grade concerns. Ethan Wolf is probably the best I can think of but I don't remember if he was a consensus 3 or 4 star recruit. Again, I would challenge anyone to name a 4 or 5 star player who has signed with Tennessee under Butch Jones who wasn't either a legacy, in-state or border state player. Jones is doing well but these are not new recruiting heights for Tennessee football. Our classes from 1994 to 1997 were all better than what Butch has signed. Basically, we are signing players that I would expect us to at least have a good chance with in most years.
Jarrett Guarantano is Butch's best recruiting achievement outside of our base so far but of course, he hasn't signed yet.