Well my friends, unfortunately it's been a very tough week, and in fact a difficult month. About 3 weeks ago I headed over to my parents place about a half hour away to drop by, and my dad caught me on the way in and raised concerns about my mom's health. I talked to her and was surprised that she was having trouble finishing sentences and other issues. I was shocked because I had seen her just 2 weeks before and everything was normal. We convinced her to head to the hospital. Tests seemed fine at first and her condition improved quickly, but then we abruptly received a shocking diagnosis, pancreatic cancer, stage 4. After that, I'm glad I was able to spend a lot of time with her, because things went downhill extremely quickly, and she passed away exactly two weeks after that first day of symptoms (last weekend). It's rough, but I'm hanging in there, I just feel so bad for my dad because of the suddenness of it all. But, I'll be keeping an eye on him. Sorry for the downer post as the weekend begins, but it's better to write about it then it is to talk about it.