OldTimer’s Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

Un-bee-lievable. Those protesters have a hive mind and are a real buzz kill.
BEEn there and done that.

Now we need a dad joke/pun using honey, comb or honeycomb.

Also, sting, stang and stung.

TBH, I think it'd be fun to have some players try to hit the hive with a ball. Let's face it, they can aim way better than most people and yeah, the bees will freak and someone might get stung etc, but that doesn't mean we should be deprived of them attempting to hit it. However, in 2024 they probably won't do that because someone would sue someone else etc. etc.
If you live in Knoxville, the Farm Fresh Produce market on Sutherland has it. It can also be bought at Benton’s and mail ordered: Country Hams, Benton's Country hams, townsend, tn,hams, Country bacon, Bacon, smoky mountains, smoky
I went to their site. Thanks, I didn't know they had a site. Have you ever tried their prosciutto-type ham? I had no idea they did that. Or that anyone in the States did, for that matter. Or their country ham? I absolutely loved country ham and red-eye gravy as a youth, but I never see the real thing anymore.
I went to their site. Thanks, I didn't know they had a site. Have you ever tried their prosciutto-type ham? I had no idea they did that. Or that anyone in the States did, for that matter. Or their country ham? I absolutely loved country ham and red-eye gravy as a youth, but I never see the real thing anymore.
Maury County red-eye gravy. Yum 🤤
I’m starting to think Vanderbilt is the team Schloss was referring to that has been going Houston Trashtros this season. They are the private school that has always found loopholes to rules and their coach thinks he is holier than thou if you ever hear him speak. They already had a pitcher busted for foreign substances earlier this year and the batting averages Schloss threw out there match Vanderbilt’s numbers the best. Baseball is the only sport they have and they are starting to slip down the pecking order so it makes sense for them to implement this scheme because they haven’t been very relevant for a few years now and are feeling the pressure from not being in the CWS every other year.
Maury County red-eye gravy. Yum 🤤
Is that the place to get country hams? I want one like the ones my grandmother had every winter holiday when I was growing up, which she bought from a local guy in Middle Tennessee who cured them himself. Had to be soaked before cooking because they were packed in salt.
I’m starting to think Vanderbilt is the team Schloss was referring to that has been going Houston Trashtros this season. They are the private school that has always found loopholes to rules and their coach thinks he is holier than thou if you ever hear him speak. They already had a pitcher busted for foreign substances earlier this year and the batting averages Schloss threw out there match Vanderbilt’s numbers the best. Baseball is the only sport they have and they are starting to slip down the pecking order so it makes sense for them to implement this scheme because they haven’t been very relevant for a few years now and are feeling the pressure from not being in the CWS every other year.
I figured Corbin was cheating when he asked for the bat check for no reason. Projective psychology. Also because he is so sanctimonious and oily.

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