OldTimer’s Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

WHEN...From 1 AM to noon EST Monday.IMPACTS...An extended period of freezing temperatures could cause ruptured water pipes.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside.To prevent water pipes from freezing; wrap or drain or allow them to drip slowly.Keep pets indoors as much as possible.
Thanks, mom. 👍
If you get snow, do you purposely go out in it?
Or avoid going out in it complete.

Going out on a terrace or porch counts. I guess what I'm getting at is do you enjoy the snow at all?
I loved snow as a kid growing up. I could hardly wait for winter time snow.
Now as I have gotten older in life .... not so much when you have to get out
and drive in it. Then you have to worry about all the idiots that are speeding
down the road w/4-6 inches of snow & ice like its still spring time & no worries.
No .... I don't get out and play in snow like I'm 10 years old. And "Get Off My Lawn".
Just wait your turn young whippersnapper. One day you'll be old in your golden years
dreading to get out & having to drive in that mess.
I loved snow as a kid growing up. I could hardly wait for winter time snow.
Now as I have gotten older in life .... not so much when you have to get out
and drive in it. Then you have to worry about all the idiots that are speeding
down the road w/4-6 inches of snow & ice like its still spring time & no worries.
No .... I don't get out and play in snow like I'm 10 years old. And "Get Off My Lawn".

Thanks for commenting and I liked the idiots comment.
Thanks for commenting and I liked the idiots comment.
Ppl driving these big ass trucks these days ride all over your bumper (tailgating) not
allowing you any safe space on the road. Then they do it in 8 inches of snow & ice.
It grinds my gears as it should everyone out in traffic heavy or not.
Ppl driving these big ass trucks these days ride all over your bumper (tailgating) not
allowing you any safe space on the road. Then they do it in 8 inches of snow & ice.
It grinds my gears as it should everyone out in traffic heavy or not.
Growing up, I'd laugh at 4 wheel drive vehicles that lost control because they assumed their truck/car could be driven beyond the limits of physics or friction.

Tailgating is just stupid. It distracts the driver in front of them and may cause those same people to drive slower. Particularly if they're driving a truck and the headlights completely illuminate the inside of my car.

WHen I'm running errands around my parents house in the suburbs, it's rare if by the time I get home I didn't see at least one person driving while looking at their phone. Sometimes I wonder what percentage of the people plan on spending time on social media while driving. I take solace in the fact that if they hurt someone their insurance company AND the police can determine if they were on their phone at the time of a collision.

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