On the Banks debate... it's less about his coaching ability and more about the scheme that's causing issues

You can’t play predominantly soft zone coverage in the SEC and win. Yes there may be times you mix it up. But even then there is no need to be 10 yards off the receiver. Especially when you have a good front that gets after the quarterback playing a soft zone only gives the quarterback a quick bailout. And we already know that you can’t let the quarterback have all day to throw. Making the quarterback throw quicker than he wants to and not letting him get his feet set right is huge. If you can get to the quarterback good with 4-5 man fronts there is no need to be playing soft zone. GBO
Could it be depth? Once Pili got hurt, Herring got exposed. Once Hadden went out, Slaughter got exposed. Easy to rack up when your talent falls off drastically. Will Brooks a Walk On is playing more than he should outside of homecoming and practice at the end of the season.
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No team has won the SEC with a subpar roster. No matter the coach. The players matter the most. The game today in Atlanta will feature two excellent recruiting teams, just like it usually does. Worrying about Banks at this point before the squad is built is not helpful, unless the implication is that he's the recruiting problem.
That's correct. Our strength has been in our pressure.

If the coaches don't have confidence that they can get to the QB AND they can't stay with the receivers when it comes to speed, there's going to be cushion and soft zones.

If we HAD a "lights out" secondary or a Reggie clone rushing the passer, things would be different. We don't and they're not different.

The D, like the offense, is schemed like it is because these are the guys we have this year.

Recruiting and the portal AND coaching will help but mostly recruiting and the portal.
That's the whole point, no excuse for not having very solid talent in the back field to cover one on one at least in certain situations (3rd downs especially) and a lot of this falls squarely on the staff for not getting the right personnel or getting more creative with gambling and blitzing a lot more. If you will get burned anyway, may as well make them earn it.....
OP has no clue what he’s talking about. We have one of the most aggressive defenses in the country
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Even with a more respected DC and better talent on that side of the ball, the defense is always going to be at a disadvantage unless the offense scores on most possessions. It’s a risky strategy in the SEC, which is why most coaches don’t do it including the two top programs. Heupel needs a ‘22 offense every season. That worries me.
Even with a more respected DC and better talent on that side of the ball, the defense is always going to be at a disadvantage unless the offense scores on most possessions. It’s a risky strategy in the SEC, which is why most coaches don’t do it including the two top programs. Heupel needs a ‘22 offense every season. That worries me.

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Coaching and discipline. Watch the games today and see how disciplined teams play. We are not disciplined enough to win our matchups on the field. The last 2 Conference champ games showed us what discipline looks like and what quality coaching does for a team. While we’re on the subject, why is our players so small and out of shape compared to other big time programs? I’ve watched the Oline in both games and those guys are huge, we have a long ways to go to compete at this level as a team
Even with a more respected DC and better talent on that side of the ball, the defense is always going to be at a disadvantage unless the offense scores on most possessions. It’s a risky strategy in the SEC, which is why most coaches don’t do it including the two top programs. Heupel needs a ‘22 offense every season. That worries me.

There's so much dumb here it's hard to respond to all of it

1. Our DC is very well respected (Broyles award nomination for example). We weren't losing 42-45 this season. Our issue wasn't our defense and if we have better talent, obviously our offense will have to score even less.

2. The average team has 11-12 possessions a game. We average closer to 16. Scoring every drive would be 112 points or most drives (8 or more) would be 56 or more. The most we gave up this year was in the 30s. No we do not have to score on most drives.

3. LMFAO this is hilarious. You only look at 2 programs and because they don't do it, clearly it's the wrong approach. "If YoU DoN't Do ExAcTlY WhAt SaBaN aNd SmArT dO iT wOn'T wOrK!"...that's stupid. Tempo offenses have been used to beat Saban multiple times (Kirby has played less of them). Freeze did it in back to back seasons, we did it last year, and Gus did it multiple times at Auburn.

4. None of our losses involved an opponent scoring 40 or more. It doesn't take a historic level offense to win those games.

Edit: Looked it up and both Hugh Freeze and Gus have wins over Kirby
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You would think a “good” coach would realize this scheme isn’t working, maybe we should tweak it. But hey I’m just a guy on volnation

You probably know next to nothing about this defensive scheme, but yeah, the problem is totally the scheme.
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There's so much dumb here it's hard to respond to all of it

1. Our DC is very well respected (Broyles award nomination for example). We weren't losing 42-45 this season. Our issue wasn't our defense and if we have better talent, obviously our offense will have to score even less.

2. The average team has 11-12 possessions a game. We average closer to 16. Scoring every drive would be 112 points or most drives (8 or more) would be 56 or more. The most we gave up this year was in the 30s. No we do not have to score on most drives.

3. LMFAO this is hilarious. You only look at 2 programs and because they don't do it, clearly it's the wrong approach. "If YoU DoN't Do ExAcTlY WhAt SaBaN aNd SmArT dO iT wOn'T wOrK!"...that's stupid. Tempo offenses have been used to beat Saban multiple times (Kirby has played less of them). Freeze did it in back to back seasons, we did it last year, and Gus did it multiple times at Auburn.

4. None of our losses involved an opponent scoring 40 or more. It doesn't take a historic level offense to win those games.
Thanks. I see we are much better off than I feared. Just so I’ll know, how many games should we expect to win under Heupel and when will he get us there?
This is an interesting hypothesis, this idea that an aggressive offense must be joined by an aggressive defense to succeed.

First thought is, the term "aggressive" could use more definition. Because Tim Banks' scheme is very aggressive up front. So much so that we've become known for it. Frequent blitzes and schemes to get into the opposing team's backfield and cause havoc, sacks, TFLs, QB pressure causing errant throws, disrupting timing, etc.

Some would say our defense has been super aggressive.

But you're right that in the defensive secondary, Banks tends to play soft, giving up the short yardage completions in order to prevent any home runs.

Just not sure what to call that combination: "conservative" doesn't seem to fit. Maybe more like a hybrid.

So terminology is point one.

Point two is, we seemed to do very well in 2022 with our offense/defense combination: 11-2. The Kentucky game in particular, I remember, time of possession was skewed way toward the Wildcats, our defense was on the field a lot...and we beat them something like 44-6.

So an aggressive offense, offset by a hybrid defense (unique defense, really), can work beautifully. We leave them on the field a long time so that the opposing offense can make a mistake and have to punt or kick a FG. Then we go get 7 again, and the process repeats.

That seemed to work really well. When we had a prolific offense.

So maybe the problem in 2023 wasn't all on the defense, or on an offensive-defensive mismatch.

Maybe we also need a QB and WRs who can execute Josh Heupel's O at a high level. Maybe that's what was missing. Maybe it is all built on that.

So not really sure I agree with your hypothesis yet. Ready to keep an open mind, though, if there's more evidence for it.

Go Vols!

Zone blitz guys talk about "safe pressure". I'd call it "being aggressive, without being stupid". It's insanely popular and has been around for decades. We ran a lot of it with Chavis.

It's also a big reason defenses seem to be back on top this season over offenses. It's allowed teams to limit big plays and force offenses to drive the field.
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