For starters, infant baptisms are unnecessary as it is that faith that claims we are born into sin, not the Trinity. We are sinless until we reach the mental understanding of a relationship with or without God. I have seen young kids around 8 get baptized because they felt that in their heart, and it was totally their own decision. I have seen adults of all ages and generations make the same decision at that point in their life that it became aware to them. The common denominator is the person getting baptized came to that decision in their time. It was not made for them when they had no means of communication, or understanding. God cares for the children and instructs us to do so as well. As for using We or I in the proclamation of faith in baptism, is the trinity not one and three in the same? Decisions such as this by a religious establishment is why so many people resist. But, then again resisting God based on other peoples "christian" actions is not an excuse we'll evade, since we can only answer for ourselves.