One Wrong Condemns Them to Hell

Those stories had been told, retold, retooled, reworked etc before most "christians" ever heard them.
Cool. Doesn’t change the fact of what Jesus said and done. Or the fact he wasn’t a Native American in Mizzou or comparable to a raping slavish pedophile “prophet”. both of which is pretty easily fact checked
Why don't churches shun those that have premarital sex like they do homosexuals?
Churches shouldn’t “shun” anyone. You realize that not all churches are like some small church you remember from BFE at some point right? But calling sin sin isn’t wrong either
Cool. Doesn’t change the fact of what Jesus said and done. Or the fact he wasn’t a Native American in Mizzou or comparable to a raping slavish pedophile “prophet”. both of which is pretty easily fact checked

You can fact check Jesus? Now there is a debate for the ages that I didn't realize was solved.
You can fact check Jesus? Now there is a debate for the ages that I didn't realize was solved.
Lol you don’t understand history very well do you? No wonder you are a liberal. Yes I can fact check that Mormonism was 100% historically inaccurate
Churches shouldn’t “shun” anyone. You realize that not all churches are like some small church you remember from BFE at some point right? But calling sin sin isn’t wrong either

Of course churches shun people.

Sin is sin? There must be some sort of hierarchy of sins? If I go out and rape and murder children like it's my job vs. I engage in premarital sex one time. Certainly god must punish the two a little differently, no?
Of course churches shun people.

Sin is sin? There must be some sort of hierarchy of sins? If I go out and rape and murder children like it's my job vs. I engage in premarital sex one time. Certainly god must punish the two a little differently, no?
Between you and God. But guess what, they are still both sin.
Lol you don’t understand history very well do you? No wonder you are a liberal. Yes I can fact check that Mormonism was 100% historically inaccurate

You can prove Jesus existed, healed the infirm and turned water into wine? And you say I don't understand history? Now that is funny.
You can prove Jesus existed, healed the infirm and turned water into wine? And you say I don't understand history? Now that is funny.
One day you’ll see I guess. You are the one who started the thread probably because you have some inner conflict due to an issue from your childhood or how your parents handled it
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I don’t say so, the Church does. No?

This isn’t a lifelong decision, it is for eternity. I would imagine the Church believes calling it a life-long covenant is selling short of what is really being done.

How does someone that is dead “accept the proxy”?

By the way, there was a legal dispute about 10 years ago I think about a group of Jews that took offense to the practice. Anne Frank and others were found to have been baptized by proxy, so I seriously doubt the church had any kind of authorization from the deceased families for doing it before that. Legally I’m sure they viewed the practice as non-impactful (rightfully so) but that contradicts the churches teachings on the impact to the deceased.

The whole idea is silly IMO and I wouldn’t care either way. It isn’t like any of it has any real real impact outside of the imaginary. Especially if I’m dead, what do I care? That is, until somebody actually takes offense to it because it impacts their own theological beliefs.

Well, they got it from the Bible.

They believe people are made up of eternal intelligence. You existed as a being before this life and made choices. You make choices in this life. And you can also make choices in the afterlife, one of which is to accept the physical baptism that was done by proxy.

It's all BS to me, so don't ask me to justify any of it, LOL.
One day you’ll see I guess. You are the one who started the thread probably because you have some inner conflict due to an issue from your childhood or how your parents handled it

I haven't said that I believe you to be a mentally ill man who has spent a good portion of his life talking to himself. No, you ran out of room to back up your argument and went to some personal attack.

I had a fantastic childhood. No abuse. I had every opportunity. Financial, education, two loving parents. In short, I have lived the American dream. I was taken to church, bible study and youth group etc. I just found the experience of church to be creepy and unnecessary. It just isn't for me. I live by a code of morals that I subscribe to and try to do the right thing and leave this place better than what I found. I don't find the whole concept of something out there watching everything I do to be comforting and I don't find the prospect of an afterlife necessary. .
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You certainly are a disrespectful prick. I haven't said that I believe you to be a mentally ill man who has spent a good portion of his life talking to himself. No, you ran out of room to back up your argument and went to some personal attack.

I had a fantastic childhood. No abuse. I had every opportunity. Financial, education, two loving parents. In short, I have lived the American dream. I was taken to church, bible study and youth group etc. I just found the experience of church to be creepy and unnecessary. It just isn't for me. I live by a code of morals that I subscribe to and try to do the right thing and live this place better than what I found. I don't find the whole concept of something out there watching everything I do to be comforting and I don't find the prospect of an afterlife necessary. .
A person doesn’t need to have religion in their life to be a good person.
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You certainly are a disrespectful prick. I haven't said that I believe you to be a mentally ill man who has spent a good portion of his life talking to himself. No, you ran out of room to back up your argument and went to some personal attack.

I had a fantastic childhood. No abuse. I had every opportunity. Financial, education, two loving parents. In short, I have lived the American dream. I was taken to church, bible study and youth group etc. I just found the experience of church to be creepy and unnecessary. It just isn't for me. I live by a code of morals that I subscribe to and try to do the right thing and live this place better than what I found. I don't find the whole concept of something out there watching everything I do to be comforting and I don't find the prospect of an afterlife necessary. .
How was I being a prick? Your triggering of religion to start this thread was pretty clear in terms of motive. I never said you were abused either, it was just an observation based on the psychology and sociology of why most people have their politics shaped with liberalism or run away from religious truths. It doesn’t matter what you feel about God or afterlife, either you believe or you don’t. You don’t. And you will continue to struggle with that truth as you move to yet another city as you have move continuously as you have to find meaning in your life. I hope you do one day
How was I being a prick? Your triggering of religion to start this thread was pretty clear in terms of motive. I never said you were abused either, it was just an observation based on the psychology and sociology of why most people have their politics shaped with liberalism or run away from religious truths. It doesn’t matter what you feel about God or afterlife, either you believe or you don’t. You don’t. And you will continue to struggle with that truth as you move to yet another city as you have move continuously as you have to find meaning in your life. I hope you do one day

You’re being judgmental and condescending.

1. You speak of religious truth. You’ve no ideas of the truth anymore than I do. You have chosen to have faith in what you believe.

2. You talk about liberalism and how my upbringing and it’s clear you don’t have a clue as to what it entailed. You’re attempting to pass judgment on me and I believe that to be a sin in your belief stem, right?

3. Move continuously? Most of my moves were with my family as my father’s career. Then my moves were education/career. There’s no continuous moving to chase meaning in my life. I have meaning in my life. I’ve got family. I’ve got friends. I’ve got the charity I started to help children and I’ve got a career that allows me to live a decent life. I don’t have any struggles related to religion.

VN Store
