No link to a right wing blog, GS?
Here is a video of Senator Trancedo calling for Napolitano to resign, will that help??
While Tancredo speaks very calmly in this video response to the murder of AMERICAN CITIZEN ROB KRENTZ by an ILLEGAL ALIEN, it is obvious he is FURIOUS with Obama and Napolitano and calls them both LIARS in this video! Makes demands of the president and the governor to protect our border, and blames the influx of more and more illegals on Obama's amnesty speeches.
"IT'S TIME FOR A MOMENT OF TRUTH IN THIS COUNTRY--IF WE DON'T SEE THE URGENCY NOW IN SECURING OUR BORDERS NOW, I FEAR WE NEVER WILL..."--blasts 'pathway to amnesty' "HOGWASH"--demands the military be put on the border to bring an end to this invasion of the USA.
I agree, our troops would be much better placed along our southern border than in Afghanistan. I suppose you support that war though because your leftie friends do the same.
With your left wing connections, maybe you can get PETA involved, they killed his dog too.
BTW, this Texas rancher known for providing aid to illegal aliens but was shot dead by the people he was trying to help.
You can parrot all that bleeding heart left wing crap you want and try to ridicule anything that doesn't fit in as right wing ignorance but when your heart does really bleed, don't come to me looking for a band aid.
Unbelievable as it may seem, the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 contained a provision giving insurance companies the task of helping devise a plan for