Open Practice discussion thread

Certifiedhands11, I don't really care for your calling the guy Nancy over and over and the ridicule, but I really like the way you word information and your fan philosophy. I hope you continue to post more.

Yeah, that's was an itch I had been wanting to scratch for quite some time. Gotta come out the gates strong on these message boards, man lol. I know how ruthless this territory can be, so I guess my mindset was balls-to-the-walls and couldn't find my reigns.

After reading these things on a daily basis for years and seeing some of the things/opinions ppl throw out at times are shocking and unruly and flat out ridiculous.... But then of course you have the ppl with good insight or "inside information" that I really enjoy. Which I guess is what keeps me coming back. That's why I chose (for the most part) to keep out of the grumbling.

We are an extremely prideful fanbase that won't get out of our own way sometimes, and that's always been somethin I've struggled with when it comes to message boards. Big, small, short, tall, we all love the you know what out of our Vols. But fighting with each other dang sure isn't gonna help matters.

But thank you, I appreciate you reaching out.... And calling me out lol. You'll probably see me pop up a little more from time to time.
They actually brought this subject up on ESPN after Ga Southen beat Florida, and honestly it isn't Tennessee-specific. Almost a decade ago Appy State beat Michigan and it turned the world upside down. Now it's becoming more and more common. The smaller teams are becoming more competitive, essentially the pups are growing fangs. I think it stems from recruits seeing the Khalil Macks and the Jimmy Garoppolos of the world. Highly rated recruits, or even not-so-highly rated but extremely talented recruits, know they can go to a small, irrelevant program and stand out. Standing out will get them more attention from the NFL.

It's still the exception that a Ga Southern beats a Florida, but it is becoming more common.

That word "parity" is getting thrown around more and more all the time. And it's absolutely true. The sport is bigger than it's ever been and the popularity is only getting stronger. Recruiting has taken a life of it's own, and with social media these days these kids and schools have access to anyone at anytime. It's banana's, and I think that parity is good for any sport. The perspective I was speaking from was when we were THEN, what Bama is NOW. Fulmer, for the most part, dominated recruiting for 90% of his tenure, which made life very difficult for anyone we went against. Today, you still have your prestigious schools that make it a little top heavy in the recruiting rankings every year, but now you get your Ole Miss' in the top 5 or Vandy in the top 20 every now and then, which wasn't the case just ten years ago.......

With that being said, as much as I don't feel those schools belong in the same sentence as us, no matter what the current state of the program is, I do genuinely worry about those games now.... And I don't like it..
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Good for you Volger glad you and the misses enjoyed it. Hope other gray hairs will also..

Bad on you for taking a cheap shot. This seems to be a recurring theme lately. Why are so many trying to divide the fanbase into young vs. old? We all love our Vols ( I think).:bottom:
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Bad on you for taking a cheap shot. This seems to be a recurring theme lately. Why are so many trying to divide the fanbase into young vs. old? We all love our Vols ( I think).:bottom:

We're all going to get old one day. One thing that won't change is that I'll still love my Vols
In a situation like college ball you have several groups of people who haven't quite found themselves yet. The youngness, who want desperately to be be seen as cool and living on their own terms doing things their way, and there's also a segment of the population who are growing a little older....we're talking right around 40 here.... the world is changing and they are getting left behind already because the world no longer does things the "right" way. Eventually you reach a point where you just don't care anymore...but then it's too late. That's why they say, Youth is wasted on the youngness.
You have now insinuated that the WR's and possibly the coaches are to blame for Worley and his lackluster career and statistics.
Hardly. But it appears you are going to start with the straw men again... Yep, real objective and unbiased there.

Who else can we blame but him for his woes? Got anyone else in mind? Or do you think finishing on a per game basis in the 10-14 range of SEC quarterbacks is pretty good?
So Jones lied, you are right, Worley sucks, and any good QB should be able to play well no matter how poorly the WR's play... Anything else?

I honestly love getting you riled up on this because eventually, one day, you might have a moment of self-awareness and admit that you are irrational about Worley.
How so? I said he has potential above what many of you think. How's that "irrational"? I said the much of his problem last year was a group of WR's that didn't know what they were doing much of the time and failed to run the right routes correctly. Again, if I am "irrational" about that then Jones was too.

If Worley doesn't get it done this year then it should not be because he doesn't have anyone to throw to.

Maybe you will even figure out what that reason is someday as well.

And maybe you will get over your big bad self one day.

If I am irrational about anything in relation to you it is that I have a difficult time letting idiotic comments pass unchallenged.

Interesting that you are such a big expert without ever having played. So from someone who did play... timing and trust are EVERYTHING in running anything successfully on O but ESPECIALLY a passing game. If you don't have it... it really doesn't matter how much talent you have.
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Anyone know where Wharton was yesterday? I didn't see him out there. Is his injury that bad?

I saw him at the 50 at the start of practice jogging back and forth across the field. I think he was in the hole working with the training staff. I don't think it's too serious, but they're being careful
I know we are thin, but has cbj or staff addressed tackling? Just was thinking how do we know if these guys are going to be any good at tackling when they play touch? You think they may have went touch last night just for the open practice try and avoid injury in front of fans? Or are all the practices touch? And if so, how are we going to be a physical team if we don't hit in practice.
May the battle of the hands commence! On a normal day I'd pick the hulk but certified got some brains to it. Fingers probably beat them to the punch tho
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News on Saulsberry and Wharton would be great when it breaks. I assume the fact that we haven't heard anything yet means neither is that serious-- just precautionary since we are so thin. Was hoping to hear a little more action on Croom.
News on Saulsberry and Wharton would be great when it breaks. I assume the fact that we haven't heard anything yet means neither is that serious-- just precautionary since we are so thin. Was hoping to hear a little more action on Croom.

In one of Hubbs' videos from last night you can see how Saulsberry was injured.

He was double-teamed by Kendrick and Thomas. Kendrick released after initial contact and washed further inside while Thomas drove him backwards one-on-one.

Saulsberry took a big step back with his left foot while still being drive blocked. Just appeared that it was one of those freak kind of deals where his leg couldn't withstand the position it was in and gave.

It was a clean play all the way around. Hate it for Saulsberry, he worked so hard to get back.
In one of Hubbs' videos from last night you can see how Saulsberry was injured.

He was double-teamed by Kendrick and Thomas. Kendrick released after initial contact and washed further inside while Thomas drove him backwards one-on-one.

Saulsberry took a big step back with his left foot while still being drive blocked. Just appeared that it was one of those freak kind of deals where his leg couldn't withstand the position it was in and gave.

It was a clean play all the way around. Hate it for Saulsberry, he worked so hard to get back.

Joint, ligament, muscle, or bone?

Hoping for just a sprain....
Hey, Nancy... Ever tried looking at something subjectively without circling around only to put a negative connotation on it? I understand not trying to get your hopes up, not drinking the kool-aid, don't count your chickens and all that jazz.... But you just poop all over everything. I just watched a 20 min practice video (only because I played WR for a couple years in JUCO down in MS before catching the "Malfunctioning-Maggitt Disorder" and had to hang it up) that showed VAST improvement in a lot of areas. Am I saying we have arrived and UT will be winning championships again soon? No, no I'm not. What's that midget down in Tuscaloosa always talk about? Dislike him immensely, but he always preaches of "the process". You don't build champions over night. Everything is pointing in the right direction, all we need to see now is the play on the field to start improving each year, heck, each week, and we'll climb that mountain, Nancy.

Here's what jumped out at me:

• Worley isn't going to win the Heisman, which I know let's a lot of you down to hear, but it's night and day the way he is running that offense compared to last year (I know it's just a practice, but that's where it starts). He was decisive, he went through his progressions/looked off coverages more times in this one video than he did all last season, and his arm strength is VASTLY improved. He's no Favre, but I saw him put some zing on it tonight that I didn't think he had.

• The receivers looked much, much more crisp on their routes, which also comes with becoming more comfortable /confident in the offense. We should all enjoy North while we can, cause that kid is the real deal, and it's not even a maybe if he will be a star. He is the complete and total package, and it's a thing of beauty to see him run past a DB then turn around and abuse him when they try to press. If you're big and strong, USE IT! Which leads me to Croom. He made a couple of nice catches, but he's just a every-now-and-then type guy that blows my mind. He's 6'5" 235.... Just go look at the size of the corners on this team. Every time they try to put a hand on him he should rip their arm off and beat them with it. He should be bullying those kids. Classic case of looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. It seems like a mental thing for him, and I hope the light comes on and STAYS ON, because right now he's workin with a short circuit. Love how Pig fights for every ball even though he's the smallest one out there. Josh Smith is hands down the best route runner on that team, and it's not close. If he can lose the gator arms during games, he could be very effective for them. Pearson makes it all look easy. He jogs at 4.4 speed it seems like. Very fluid athlete. If Malone's work ethic gets to the level of his natural athletic ability, he's gonna be following North in the 1st round some day.

•Helm and Wolfe are the type of tight ends the game of football is steamrolling towards, and they give that position a dynamic that was completely non-existent last season. Creamer has the size/frame/speed to be a major problem for opposing defenses if he can learn this position and get more consistent with his hands. He's a freak athlete.

• The DB's look so much quicker/aggressive/physical. They have the catch 22 of covering one of the BEST receiving cores in the nation (I'm kidding, Nancy, calm down). But no, they are one of the largest in the nation for sure, and that makes these DB's have to come out and play physical every. single. day. (and that you can't deny) Josh Smith is 6'1" and he looks like a 4th grader up next to those guys.

• There ya have it. I read every website, all the message boards, every magazine, you name it... But I rarely post on these things, so when I do, I got a lot to get out. I apologize for this monster post, but sometimes.... You just gotta let it all go, guys.

Ain't that right, Nancy? Go Vols, baby

Joint, ligament, muscle, or bone?

Hoping for just a sprain....

It looked like a knee to me, hope I'm wrong. He was wearing a brace so hopefully it helped. I was sitting just behind the defensive bench and the discussions he was having with training staff and players didn't look encouraging.
I was able to get a few shots from last night's open practice.

Medley and Darr getting some work in before the practice started.


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Mr. Hurd is going to be a big factor in our offense this season.


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